Is ISIS trying to start World War III?

David L. Phillips
8, December 2015



Radical Islamic leaders have suggested that killing Americans and their allies, 
whether civilian or military, is an obligation of every Muslim. The Islamic 
State is driven by an ideology of hatred and destruction and its actions 
suggest that it wants a third world war between infidelity and Islam. To this 
end, it appears that ISIS is trying to lure the U.S. into deploying a large 
ground force in Syria and Iraq — so it can kill more Americans.


The United States cannot ignore the ISIS threat. Nor should it deploy a large 
ground force, and risk getting caught in quagmire. Washington needs a 
counter-terrorism strategy, which is based on a better understanding of the 
Islamic State's ideology, goals, and history.


ISIS is comprised of religious fanatics and zealots. They have a warped and 
wrong interpretation of the Quran, which they use to justify sensational 
violence. ISIS members are bound together by hatred of the West and the shared 
goal of martyrdom. 


ISIS also includes former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party. Ex-Iraqi 
military participated in an insurgency against the U.S. occupation. They saw 
America's invasion and occupation of Iraq as part of an imperial strategy to 
control the country's oil wealth and occupy Muslim lands. They rejected U.S. 
support for democracy as a Trojan horse for toppling governments hostile to 
U.S. interests. 


The Bush administration thought the Iraq War would catalyze democracy and human 
rights in the Middle East. Instead, it had the unintended consequence of 
bolstering radical Islam and emboldening America's enemies. It inspired a new 
generation of holy warriors, many of whom have joined ISIS. 


Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the self-declared caliph of the Islamic State, was 
imprisoned at Baghdad's Camp Bucca. When he was released in 2009, Baghdadi 
warned his American jailers: "I'll see you in New York." 


Radical leaders like Baghdadi hate the U.S. for destroying Iraq. They also 
deeply resent America's support for corrupt, tyrannical, and, in their eyes, 
impious regimes in the Persian Gulf. The United States is the "far enemy." They 
despise Arab leaders who collaborate with the West, particularly in the 
exploitation of natural resources, as the "near enemy." 


Shiites are also prominent on the hate list of these radical leaders. To them, 
Shiites are vile and despicable heretics. They see the Iraqi government, headed 
by Haider al-Abadi of the Shiite Dawa Party, as traitorous. ISIS also despises 
Iran, so the U.S. nuclear deal with Iran just adds fuel to the fire. America's 
perceived tilt to Shiism provides further justification for hating and killing 


The Obama administration cannot ignore the ISIS threat. The status quo is 
intolerable. However, the U.S. cannot destroy ISIS with rhetoric or by bombing 
alone. Containing ISIS is not a strategy.


ISIS is a cancer that must be eradicated. Its ideology already has a 
devastating and destabilizing effect in the region. The Islamic State has also 
become a base of operations for attacks in Europe and the United States. 


More can be done. Supporting local fighters in Iraq and Syria is an effective 
alternative to launching a large U.S. ground force. The Kurds of Iraq and Syria 
are capable and committed to fighting ISIS. Some Sunni tribes are also 
reliable. Local fighters can act as boots on the ground. However, the tepid 
support they have received so far will not solve the ISIS crisis. Kurds and 
other local fighters need the tools to do the job. 


The U.S. should provide sophisticated weapons and ammunition. It should 
intensify its training efforts. Local fighters need support from a larger 
number of U.S. Special Forces, including spotters to identify targets. A more 
intense air campaign would ratchet up the pressure on ISIS. 


Washington must be wary of ISIS propaganda. Directly engaging ISIS on the 
battlefield would be construed as honoring the organization. Declaring war on 
ISIS would be manipulated to elevate the terror group's status. ISIS propaganda 
would be used to recruit fighters from around the world who want to kill 


The Iraq War's protracted insurgency left a deep wound. The American people 
support more aggressive measures to eradicate ISIS, but they have no patience 
for another major commitment in the Middle East.


Commentary by David L. Phillips, director of the Program on Peace-building and 
Human Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights. 
He served as a senior adviser and foreign- affairs experts to the State 
Department. His recently published book is "The Kurdish Spring: A New Map for 
the Middle East."



David L. Phillips

Director, Program on Peace-building and Rights

Institute for the Study of Human Rights

Columbia University

T: 212-851-2269å


(bolding by S., not by the author to assist taking in information quickly)



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