Sermon from Epiphany 4,B. LSB propers.  It's a narrative type.  Some
might think it to be trite (or worse).  But, for me, I think that it
serves as a good vehicle to proclaim law and gospel to God's people. 
Certainly a steady diet of this form of sermon would get old fast for
anyone.  I probably preach only 3-4 of this type in a 12 mo. time frame.

Pr. Ron Rock


Epiphany 4, B
Sun. & Wed., February 1 & 4, 2009
Zion Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL
Sermon Text - Mark 1:21-28
OT Reading - Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Epistle Reading - 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Gospel Reading - Mark 1:21-28

In the name of Jesus.  [Amen]  

Our sermon is of the type called a narrative sermon.  That means that as
I preach the sermon I'll pretend to be someone other than myself, telling
you the story from a personal, first-hand perspective.  May God bless
this effort to His glory and for the eternal well-being of us all.

Dear friends in Christ Jesus,

Good morning!  My name is Andrew and I've come back from my place in
eternity to be with you this morning and to elaborate a bit more on the
Gospel reading from St. Mark that was just read.  Bear with me, would
you, as I describe -- first hand -- what it was like to have been in the
synagogue on that incredible day some 2000 years ago.

As I said, my name is Andrew… and yes…  Simon Peter is my brother.  Just
before all this occurred in the synagogue Jesus had called Peter and
myself, along with James and John, to follow Him.  He'd come up to us
while we were working our day-to-day job of being fishermen.  He simply
said: "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men."  (Mk 1:17,

We immediately followed Him, and, as you heard in the Gospel reading, we
went to the town of Capernaum.  There all five of us entered the
synagogue.  But we ex-fishermen weren't ready for what happened next.  

Jesus began to teach, and along with everyone else present that day, we
were "astonished!"  You bet, prior to this we'd heard about Jesus of
Nazareth…  we'd heard that He was a traveling rabbi of sorts.  But the
stories that we'd heard of Him…  well… they didn't come close to describe
the depth and breadth of His knowledge of the Scriptures.  Everyone who
heard Him sat almost as in a trance - spellbound.  We hung on every word
that came out of His mouth…  He was that good!

We'd all heard fairly good teachers in our time…  but Jesus was the very
best…  hands down…  for He thoroughly explained the Scriptures, inside
and out, unlike how we'd ever heard before!  We had the distinct
impression that not even Moses…  nor any of the other writers of the
Scriptures… knew the Scriptures as well as did this Jesus who was now
before us!

In the crowd that day was a man possessed by a demon.  Not the man…  but
the demon within him cried out, for it couldn't take being in the
presence of the truth of God's Word being taught to the joy of God's
people.  The demon said:  "What have you to do with us, Jesus of
Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are-the Holy One of
God!" (v. 24)

The demon's second question to Jesus indicated two things…  

First, it already knew Jesus' complete identity…  Sure, He was Jesus of
Nazareth, but He was also the almighty, all-powerful "Holy One of God!" 
Jesus, born of Mary…  who grew up in Nazareth, was also God, Himself… 
come to His fallen creation…  to redeem it…  to restore it…  to give it

Besides knowing Jesus' complete identify, the demon also knew what it's
eternal fate would be.  The punishment for its rebellion would be eternal

Dear people, I truly hope that you've heard me out on this.  I saw it in
my time...  and I'm confident that it continues to this day…  So many
people have Jesus in their very presence…  and miss His true identity 
or…  worse yet…  know His identity… but ignore Him!  They don't have time
for Him.

Week in and week out, Jesus can be found right here…  in His modern-day
temple…  explaining the wondrous Word of God through its proper

Week in and week out, Jesus is here…  offering His very Body and Blood to
you, His beloved ones, for forgiveness of sins and a renewal and
rejuvenation of your faith.

For you see…  week in and week out…  Jesus is here in this sacred place,
reaching out to hurting souls…  calling them to repentance and faith… 
and new life in His saving name.  For He is "the Holy One of God," who
alone, was able to take on the sins of the world.  He did this  some
three years after this day that we're describing now.  In His
crucifixion, death and resurrection from the dead 3 days later…  He made
"clean" what was "unclean" in fallen mankind…  in you!

You see, the demon was only partly right…  Jesus had come into the world
to destroy evil and those who embrace it…  but He'd also come to seek and
save the lost.  He'd come to give hope to those who felt that what they'd
done…  was too bad…  or too awful…  for God to ever forgive them.

But, my new friends  please hear me out on this as well…  This Jesus who
could command demons to obey Him on the spot…  well…  He's not a wimp… 
at all!  You gotta know…  you gotta believe me when I tell you…  that
even though He came into this world to redeem all mankind…  it's
impossible for Him to deny Himself.

What I mean is…  He's one of those who says what He means…  and means
what He says.  Only those who are reckoned to be righteous through faith
in His death in their place will escape His righteous wrath on the Last
Day.  No one…  no one will escape His perfect judgment.

Those who ignore Him…  will have their eternal destiny to be with the
demons in hell…  apart from His presence… and His love forever.  

Those who repent and confess His saving name…  well…  He will share His
riches in heaven with them…  this too, lasting forever!

It's rather interesting…  my friend, Mark, used two rather powerful words
in this section from his Gospel.  Early in the reading, he says that the
people were "astonished" and toward the end, he uses the word "amazed" to
describe them.

But notice this…  even though a demon had erupted out of a man and had
spoken so all could hear it…  and all that had happened in the middle of
the synagogue.  Even though all that had happened…  Mark doesn't use
those words to describe the people's reaction to the demon.

No!  Even though that would make newspaper headlines today…  it wasn't
the greatest thing that had happened there and then.  The people were
amazed and astonished at the teaching of Jesus!

That…  that…  was the greatest thing that happened that day.  For Jesus
had come to His people…  met them in His house…  and showed Himself to be
the Lord of all…  and "the God of love who understood" (LSB # 819, v. 1)
His peoples' every need!

Although Mark doesn't record it for you…  I'm here to tell you that we
left the synagogue that day "Astonished…  Amazed…  and at Peace." 

We were astonished and amazed at Jesus' teaching…  He having opened the
Scriptures for us to see God's power, promise, and perfect love for us. 
And through that, we could also leave that synagogue with a sense of
peace that passes beyond all human understanding.  For in this traveling
rabbi from Nazareth, we had also seen God in the flesh...  the Messiah… 
come to save us for Himself!

You soon will leave here to go about your lives.  And I ask you to leave
here as Peter, James, John, myself…  and all the others left the
synagogue that day.  Leave here "Amazed…  Astonished…  and at Peace"
knowing that as a Baptized one of His, your future is secure - for time
and eternity!

Dear brothers and sisters, I must now leave you; but know this:  I
eagerly look forward to that day when you join me and heavenly host as
together we sing:  "To God all praise and glory!" (LSB # 819)  [Amen.]

Cong. Stand   Sing #819, v. 5 again

May the peace of God which passes all human understanding keep your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting.  Amen.
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