September 12, 2009.

'IF You can? All things are possible for one who believes.' This is the response, but what causes Jesus to say it?

Mark reports that Jesus had sent 9 disciples out to preach, teach and do miracles. Christ, Peter, James, and John had gone to a Mount of Transfiguration. God the Father had repeated the words we heard at Christ's Baptism: "This is My Son, in Him I am well-pleased." Now, they were rejoining the 9.

Things had not gone smoothly for those 9. There was a man whose boy was possessed by a violent demon. The finest doctors, teachers, scribes and others could not help. He had heard of Jesus. Some of His disciples were in town. Maybe they could help?

No. Try as they might, they could not help. Frustrated, let down, miserable, and feeling defeated, the boy's father did not know what to do. He had given up hope. But it got worse.

Because the disciples could not do the miracle, the un-believing scribes started to make fun of the 9. They quarreled and fought with them. An ugly mob formed. Some ridiculed the disciples. Some mocked the scribes. The father grew more depressed.

As bad as the demon was, the lack of a miracle was, the bickering, and all the rest going on; there was something far worse here: UNBELIEF.

Unbelief is all around us; and in us. We don't like the way the world is changing, or our life is going, or anything. Outsiders say things like 'IF there is a god, things should be better in my life, (or) those people would not have died, (or) that accident or storm or murder or election or whatever should have turned out very differently. There is a growing number of people in the USA who feel that there probably is no real god because their life is not going the way they want to go. This is the new atheism.

This unbelief degenerates into the old atheism. That's the kind that shows open hatred for all things holy and religiously persecutes all things godly and Christian.

Unbelief is in all of us, and it troubles and dogs us, too. Think of Judas. Jesus chose Him to be one of the 12. He was part of the 9. His unbelief led him to betray Jesus. You may know people who have been called by God, Baptized, confessed their faith on their confirmation day, and now do not come to God's House. They may give all sorts of excuses or talk of angers and hurts: but the bottom line is unbelief. They continue to betray Jesus by their lives.

But we need to look at our own hearts. The trouble in our daily lives works to rob us of faith. A long term illness, a financial crisis, a wayward child, a betrayal by a friend, fear of coming problems, refusing to face your own sins: all these encourage unbelief.

I wonder if the 9 then were like we are today. It is easy to feel when things are going well that it is OUR power that casts out demons. heals the diseases, fixes the marriage, rescues the budget, and makes it all better. We ARE His disciples, so surely WE should be able to do these things!

You see that too is unbelief. We act as if the gifts, money, and abilities God gives are ours. We believe in US; not God. So demons won't budge.

And so troubles come, pile higher, make us miserable: what then? Too often we keep looking to our own resources and try harder. So we ask the doctor for pills, the bank for money, a friend to lend an ear, or something like that. When all else fails, THAT is when most people turn to God. Then if a miracle does not happen and things don't turn out as WE want there are plenty of unbelievers ready to make misery and put you down; just like the scribes did to the 9.

Sadly, our sin is such that we pray like this poor man did. "God, IF You can do anything, please have compassion on us and help us."

IF? IF?!? The God Who created all things visible and invisible in 6 days is asked IF? The One Who gave body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses and still preserves them, as well as all other things, is asked "IF You can help us?" No wonder Jesus is angry.

The faithless generation was unable to evict the demon, nor the scribes, nor the 9. They wondered IF God can help?

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of all of them" says Psalm 34. Jesus says: 'bring your problems to Me. Not just the big ones you can't solve; but ALL of them.'

The LORD Who promised: "never will I leave you, never will I forsake you" and "I AM with you always" is never as far from us as we treat Him.

Christ takes command. He DOES help by casting out the demon. More importantly, He heals the man's unbelief.

The evil spirit twisted and tore the boy, almost draining the life from him. That is what the Old Evil Foe wants for us ALL: he wants you faithless. He wants to make your life so miserable that you turn away from God. Or he wants you so overconfident that you feel you can defeat him. When the Son of God ordered the demon to leave, he did not go willingly. Nor will your unbelief. It will rip and slash at you, cling to you and refuse to leave.

The prayer of that anguished man is one WE should pray. "Forgive us, Lord, for our shallow faith and skepticism, for our pride and apathy. Help our unbelief. Create in us a living heart which totally relies and depends on You alone. We cannot cast out our own demons or unbelief, Lord. Yours is the power that saves us. Save us, Lord."

And save us, He does. By His work on the cross, God has conquered all demons and all unbelief. Christ paid for all our rebellions, pride, and foolish unbelief. He defeated death and hell. He rose again so we would rise, too. He gives us His Spirit so we can lead lives of faith like Luther writes in the explanations to the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments.

It is not our powerful prayers to God that help us. It is our prayers to our powerful God. It is not the massive muscles and mighty minds God gives to us which can deliver us from evil, eliminate poverty and hunger and disease, or even evict demons. It is God alone Who sets and keeps the course of the universe and every tenant in it; and He works all things for the good of His kingdom and our faith.

IF God can help?!? That is a bogus question! 'God helps for the glory of His Name and forgiveness of our sins.' Ps79.

He Who saved us by the life, death, and resurrection of the Son continues to support and defend us each day. He Who calls us by Name will not fail or forsake us. Thru us He will do impossible things for our eternal good and the benefit of the world around us.

We 'trust in the Name of the LORD and rely on our God.' Ours is a certainty that no matter what is going on, God knows about it and He is ready to help us either deal with the dilemma, rescue us, or enable us to endure it. Ours is a certainty that is based NOT in our wavering belief, but in God's work in Christ for us.

"All things are possible for the one who believes." May we, as the forgiven children of God, believe. And may we be bold to live our Christian belief, doing all things possible with faith in Christ. To Him be glory forever. Amen.

Collect: Lord Jesus Christ, our Support and Defense in every need, continue to preserve Your Church in safety, govern her by Your goodness, and bless her with Your peace; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Introit:  Psalm 31:14-16, 24;

Gradual:  Psalm 34:9, 19

Readings from Isaiah 50:4-10, James 3:1-12, Mark 9:14-29.

Pastor Michael Harman,
St. Peter LCMS - Newell, IA
   vacancies at ...
Immanuel, Pomeroy
First Evangelical, Fonda


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