In the Name of the Father and of the +Son and of the Holy Spirit

There seems to be a contradiction between Saint Paul’s admonition in
the Epistle and Jesus’ words to the Pharisees in today’s Holy Gospel.
Paul writes to the church in Phillipi:our citizenship is in heaven, from which 
we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus tells the 
Pharisees: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God 
the things that are God’s.

If your citizenship is in heaven, why should you render anything to
Caesar? Caesar will one day pass away with heaven and earth. The only
Caesar in heaven will be God almighty. On the other hand, if you refuse
to render to Caesar and only to God, then Caesar will come looking for
you expecting what you must render. Then there’s the third option of
rendering nothing to both. You tell both Caesar and God to take a hike.
You pay no taxes and make no sacrifices. You are autonomous – you are
your own law.

Declaring yourself autonomous breaks both God’s Law and Caesar’s
law. You know the inevitable punishment for not surrendering to the law
of the land. The police will hunt you down and make you render to
Caesar whether you want to or not. Worse yet is the punishment for
disobeying God’s Word.

Saint Paul gives the foundation for citizenship under both Caesar and God in 
Romans chapter 13. Let
every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no
authority except from God, and God appoints the authorities that exist.
Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God,
and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. If you
don’t want to render anything to Caesar, expect God’s punishment. What
if you refuse to render to God what belongs to God? What if you refused
to listen to the Psalmist declare what shall I render to the LORD for all His 
benefits toward me? If you don’t want to render anything to Caesar, expect 
God’s punishment.

Now you see the trap the Pharisees thought they could catch Jesus.
If a citizen is under earthly government, yet is also a free person
under the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to whom does that person owe their
allegiance? If Jesus says Caesar, then He blasphemes God by refusing to
render what is due to God. If Jesus says God alone, then He is a
rebellious man Who seeks to cast Caesar aside.

You would love to cast Caesar aside. Government seems to take
everything from us and give us nothing but heartache and a light wallet
in return. This past week I spent about an hour at Caesar’s feet in the
Driver’s License Examining Station. My family and I waited in line for
several minutes while we stated our business. The forms were not filled
out correctly, so we got back in the car, drove from Bradley to
Momence, filled the form out correctly as well as the discrepancy form,
drove back to Bradley, waited again in line, and then sat for nearly an
hour waiting for our number to be called. Our business took less than
ten minutes and we were out the door on the way home. All that moving
and waiting for less than ten minutes! I thought and said some very
unkind words about Caesar!

Every one of you has a similar story about the slow rolling train
that is government bureaucracy. But what if there was self-rule? Then
there would be anarchy. God despises anarchy because He is a God of
order, not of chaos. There is something to be thankful for as
Thanksgiving approaches. Thank God for an orderly government! It moves
slow and doesn’t necessarily agree with Holy Scripture, but there is an
orderly government in our country, our state, our county, our township,
and our community.

The last thing that comes to mind about government is this verse from the 
Introit taken from Psalm 85: Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us 
your salvation. Caesar cannot save us from the wrath of sin and death. Caesar 
protect and serve by keeping you safe from what your neighbor might do
to harm you. Nevertheless, Caesar is not in the forgiveness business.
God is the only One in the forgiveness business.

The Gradual verse from Psalm 44 says: You have saved us from our
foes and have put to shame those who hate us. In God we have boasted
continuously, and we will give thanks to Your Name forever. These
words give us no better reason to render to God the things that are
God’s. Caesar protects us through paying taxes. God protects us through
the death of His Son Jesus. Our heavenly Father does not need weapons
and wars to destroy the satanic foe. The sacrifice to end all
sacrifices upon Calvary’s cross destroys Satan. Christ’s Blood is
sprinkled on you through the preaching of His Word of forgiveness.
Christ’s Blood is sprinkled on you through water and God’s Word in
Baptism, calling you out of darkness into the marvelous light of
Christ. Christ’s Blood is poured in your mouth with Christ’s Body going
before in the Lord’s Supper.

The Psalmist writes what shall I render to the LORD for all His
benefits toward me? I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon
the name of the LORD. I will offer to You the sacrifice of
thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD. I will pay my
vows to the LORD now in the presence of all His people, in the courts
of the LORD’s house, in the midst of you, O Jerusalem. The
sacrifice of thanksgiving is a different sacrifice than the one Jesus
makes on your behalf. The sacrifice of thanksgiving happens through
prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God for what He has done for your
salvation. As you prayed in the Introit: faithfulness springs up from the 
ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky. The sacrifice of 
thanksgiving is the cry of faith responding to righteousness that comes down 
from above.

There is no contradiction between Paul’s words in the Epistle about
our citizenship in heaven and our Lord’s Words to the Pharisees in
Matthew chapter 22. You are citizens of heaven living as pilgrims in
this world. Our Father in heaven gives us government to keep us safe.
Our Father in heaven gives us forgiveness and salvation too. There are
plans for you to live with Jesus, His Father, and the Holy Spirit in
Paradise forevermore, where the only government is peace and joy in the
presence of the Lord forever.

In the Name of the Father and of the +Son and of the Holy Spirit

Rev. David M. Juhl
Our Savior, Momence, IL


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