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The Days Are Coming
Jeremiah 33:14-16

Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Before I begin this morning, let me say, “Happy New Year!”  The First
Sunday in Advent marks the beginning of a new year in the worship life
of the church.  The last few Sundays our readings moved our focus
toward the end of the world, the Day of Judgment, the return of Christ
in glory to judge both the living and the dead.  This week we return
to the life of Christ.  As you may know, the word Advent means
“coming”.  Our focus especially during these next few weeks is the
fulfillment of the promise of Immanuel, God in the flesh making His
dwelling with us to accomplish the salvation the Father promised to

The prophet Jeremiah talks about that promise in our Epistle for
today.  Last week, Pastor Rudnik spoke of the persecution the Church
faces as the Day of Judgment draws near.  Jeremiah’s audience would
find out about persecution not long after the prophet delivered these
words to God’s people.  God’s people were about to be taken into
exile, taken away from the land which God had brought them to in the
time of Moses and Joshua.  They would be a people without a home, a
people who were being punished for their faithlessness toward God.
Yet even before that exile began, God spoke this promise, a word of
comfort, to the people: they would be restored.  What they would
see—and what they wanted to see—was a restoration to the land to which
God had brought their fathers.  More than that, though, God spoke of
the complete restoration of the relationship between God and His
people—not only His Old Testament people, but all people of all times
and places.

The Old Testament people of God spent a lot of time looking back.
When they were in the wilderness, they looked back with longing at the
glorious days of their slavery in Egypt.  When they were in exile,
they looked back with longing to their golden age under King David and
King Solomon.  Even in the time of Jesus, when the very fulfillment of
God’s promise to Adam and Eve, the promised Messiah, stood in their
midst, they looked back to their father, Abraham, and saw in their
forefather the glory of their race and the assurance of God’s goodness
to them.  They were the people who had received the promise of the
Messiah, but even having that promise fulfilled right before their
eyes, they could not help but long for the glorious days of their
past, the days of the great Kingdom of Israel.  In their vanity over
the past glories of their time as God’s chosen people, they could not
comprehend that the Son of David was in their midst, the Promise
fulfilled.  They had received the promise, but the One who fulfilled
that promise stood among them, unnoticed.  Now they wait for someone
who has already come.

This affliction is not just limited to Old Testament Judaism.  We
Christians know a good bit about looking back fondly at our golden
years.  Many Christians look back at the time before Luther and the
Reformation as a great time in the Church, but in reality, people were
being forced to pay for forgiveness and the Bible itself was not
accessible to the vast majority.  Many of us look back fondly on the
1950s as a great time for the Church, since congregation membership
and worship attendance was so much higher than it is today.  Yet the
vast majority of churches offered the gifts of God only once a month
or even once every three months, holding the Sacrament away from the
people.  We look back at our past with reverence and longing,
forgetting the importance of what God gives us in the Divine Service,
forgetting the nearness of the Day of Judgment.

But “the day is coming,” says the Lord.  We saw in the readings for
last Sunday how the signs have been and are being fulfilled in our
sight.  And in some ways, we should be looking back.  We should look
back and see the promises that God made to His Old Testament people,
and we should rejoice in how gracious God was in perfectly fulfilling
His promises.  We should look back to Christ on the cross and see him
bearing our sins there.  We should look back to Christ as He taught
the disciples and see in His teachings the very truth on which the
Church is built—the truth which, when ignored, tears down individuals,
congregations, and whole church bodies.  And we should look back at
how Jesus instituted Holy Baptism, His own Supper, and Holy Absolution
as means of grace in which we receive the forgiveness of sins. We
ignore these things at our own peril, for we see in these things the
great salvation which Christ achieved for us and the great
reconciliation He brought about between God and man.

Yet in looking back at these things, we also look forward to the day
when that reconciliation will be complete.  Christ died for us, yet we
are still sinners in our sainthood.  The day is coming when we will no
longer be sinners, when we will have been restored in the image of
God.  The doctrine which we have received, handed down from the
Apostles, is what we as sinner are able to know—what we see now
through a mirror, dimly.  The day is coming when we shall know and
comprehend the full counsel of God.  The Holy Supper feeds our souls
and gives us forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.  Yet it is only
a foretaste.  The day is coming when we shall be welcome at the
marriage feast of the Lamb in His kingdom, which has no end.

So yes, we do look back and see the grace of God throughout the
history of the Church.  We cling to the teachings of the past—not as
an obsolete relic of a bygone era, but as a relevant and real
revelation for the Church, the people of God, for all time.  This is
not only your father’s Church or your grandfather’s Church; it is your
children’s Church and your grandchildren’s Church, too.  God does not
change.  His teachings do not change.  And His gifts—the forgiveness
of sins, His body and blood, and eternal salvation—do not change.

In the season of Advent, we celebrate Christ as He comes to us.  We
celebrate Christ as Emmanuel, God coming to us in the flesh as a child
in a lowly manger.  We celebrate Christ as the Messiah, riding on a
lowly donkey on His way to bear our sins on the cross and to rise
again as our Savior.  We celebrate Christ as the Lamb of God who comes
to us in His body and blood, feeding our bodies and our souls.  And we
celebrate Christ as the King who will return again in glory.  “Behold,
the days are coming,” declares the Lord.  Christ is coming!  Christ
has come!  And Christ will come again!  God has made that promise, and
you can count on it!    In the name of the Father and of the Son (+)
and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

The peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts
and minds in Christ Jesus always.  Amen.

Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr.
P.O. Box 3134
Morgan City, LA  70381
   h. (985) 384-1783
   c. (985) 518-0433

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