On Mar 19, 2010, at 9:43 PM, John Drosendahl wrote:

> You could contact one of the pastors on the sermons@CAT41.org and get their 
> permission to use a posted sermon

Just to note, no such request for permission need be made, though a note of 
thanks to the writer would be a good thing. As the list footer says, posting of 
sermons gives consent for redistribution:

>  'CAT 41 Sermons & Devotions' consists of works that are, unless
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>  the author (as long as no charge is made for the work and it is
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>  in a congregational setting _with_or_without_attribution_.

To subscribe to our sermon service, simply send any email to:


and reply to the confirmation email that is returned to you within 24 hours.

Wrt the SMP thing: yes, it would be better to be served by the ordained 
computer guy while sending the current parishioner off for full seminary 
training. There are also any number of pastors who would love to serve 
bi-vocationally. Contrary to popular belief, good pastors are willing to work 
at Wal-Mart, to wash cars, or whatever else, just to be able to preach God's 
Word. If no one else is able or willing to put you into contact with such 
pastors, I would suggest contacting the Rt. Rev. James Heiser, who is both the 
superintendent of The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America 
<http://ELDoNA.org> and the Dean of Missions of The Augustana Ministerium 


* * * * * * * * An Approach to Liturgical 'Style' #4 of 28 * * * * * * * *

It is nouns and verbs, not their assistants, that give toughness and color

The Rev. Eric J. Stefanski                                rev...@cat41.org
The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America        http://ELDoNA.org
Confess And Teach For Unity   http://www.CAT41.org   Lists: i...@cat41.org
Holy Trinity Ev.-Luth. Church, Harrison, AR   http://www.HolyTrinityLC.com

* * * * *  Adapted from Strunk & White, ~The Elements of Style~  * * * * *

 'CAT 41 Sermons & Devotions' consists of works that are, unless
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