"Hosanna!  Now…  And Forever!"
Sermon Text - John 12:12-13
Sun., March 28, 2010
Palm Sunday / Sunday of the Passion
Processional Gospel Lesson - John 12:12-19
Old Testament Lesson - Deut 32:36-39
Epistle Lesson - Philippians 2:5-11
Gospel Lesson (Passion Narrative acc. to St. Luke) - Luke 23:1-56
Zion Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL

In the name of the Father and of the   Son and of the Holy Spirit. 

The title of today's sermon is "Hosanna! Now…  and Forever!"  It's based
on that from St. John's Gospel which was read at the entrance to the
church.  Here are the first two verses again:  The next day the large
crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to
Jerusalem. 13So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet
him, crying out, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord, even the King of Israel!"  (Jn. 12:12-13 ESV)

Dear friends in Christ Jesus,

Good friends of our family once took a trip to New York City.  While
there, they went to the set of the Today show - NBC television's morning
talk and news show.  You're at least vaguely familiar with it, I'm sure.

Usually, at some point in the show, the hosts: Matt Lauer, Meredith
Vieira, and Al Roper, the weather guy, go outside the studio to broadcast
segments of the show from the street.  

If you've ever watched this, you've noticed that whenever the cameras pan
the crowd of people gathered along the barricades, the people really
"whoop it up" when they know that they're on camera.  They scream…  hold
up signs saying something like:  "Hi Mom!" and while waving at the camera
move their head around hoping to be seen on national television.

Our friends told us that it was interesting to watch the people in the
crowd react to the cameras.  They said that when the cameras weren't
running, the people just stood there kind of like "bumps on a log."  They
couldn't have cared less about what was going on.

But, again, whenever the cameras were rolling… and the crowd knew that
they were "on stage…" they turned on their enthusiasm -- hoping again
that the camera operator would zoom-in on them!  It was like the people
were hot or cold -- turning on… or turning off -- their enthusiasm,
totally dependent on what was expedient for them!

I thought of our friends' story when I began preparing this message.  I
saw a parallel to what happened to Jesus on that first Palm Sunday when
He triumphantly rode into Jerusalem.  You heard it when it was read  a
few minutes ago…  [The people in the city] "…took branches of palm trees
and went out to meet [Jesus], crying out, "Hosanna! Blessed is He who
comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!"

On queue, the people went wild over Jesus saying:  "Hosanna!" (which, by
the way, means "save now!")  They were all excited about Him, kind of
like the people on the set of the Today show, who "whoop it up" whenever
the cameras are switched on.

But, as we heard in the Passion Narrative from St. Luke's Gospel, the
people in Jerusalem soon traded their cries of "Hosanna!" for something
quite the opposite!  When it was no longer convenient or expedient for
them, their enthusiasm went to nothing!  

Sadly… in just over 100 hours… by Friday of that week… the throngs of
people who'd been so enthusiastic about Jesus on Palm Sunday were
screaming for Him to die!  "Crucify, crucify Him!" would be their words
when Pilate would ask them what he ought to do with Jesus!

How quickly…  their attitude changed toward Him.  That happened because
they expected something from Jesus that He wasn't bringing to them then. 
John tells us that the crowd was well aware that Jesus had previously
raised Lazarus from the dead.  And now, as Jesus entered Jerusalem, they
expected more of the same.  Like so many before them, they wanted a king
who would handle all their earthly needs… someone who would provide
medical healing… food for the body… and, of course, someone who would
take political control of their nation… kick the hated Romans out of
Israel… and restore their nation to the superpower status that they'd
enjoyed under David and Solomon.

But, again, by Friday morning, it was no longer expedient for them to
cheer for Jesus; rather, they thought it to be more to their benefit to
have Him crucified!

How is it with you?  

Could you… also… be like those who lined the streets of Jerusalem… and
switch on your enthusiasm toward God, "whooping it up" when Christ is
mentioned… that is IF you consider it expedient to do so?

And can't you also… in the blink of an eye… flip that same switch off, if
you perceive that God doesn't deliver the goods to you… just as you
demand… and in the time frame that you stipulate?

A moment ago I asked:  "How is it with you?"  But I really didn't need to
ask that, did I?  That's because we all know the answer to that question.
We all know how we would've acted had we been in Jerusalem during that
first Holy Week some 2000 years ago.  

To be sure, we would've been among those with palm branches shouting
"Hosanna..." smiling and waving as Jesus rode by on that young donkey!

And, we also know that by Friday morning we certainly would have been
front and center at Pilate's house shouting again… but this time
shouting:  "Crucify, crucify Him!" with our Sunday smile changed to a
sneer… and our open-hand wave now turned into a fist!

We would have done that, because in our spoiled, me-first, sinful frame
of living life… we naturally reject the type of Savior that Jesus is. 
Yeah, we want a god that dances to our drumbeat… who serves as our own
personal vending machine… giving us what we want and when we want it… and
if he doesn't deliver, get rid of him by whatever means necessary!

But dear Christians, consider this.  Knowing all this was going to
happen, Jesus "rode on" into Jerusalem.  He rode into Jerusalem "to die"
as we sang.  With each step that the donkey took, He was one step closer
to horrid agony of His body and a cruel rejection by those who smiled,
waved, and shouted for joy as He went past!

But He resolutely went forward… determined to do what their prayer of
"Hosanna!" asked of Him.  He would indeed, "Save now!"  Oh yeah, the
salvation that He brought would be different from what they desired and
expected… but it would be just what they needed!

That's the way it is for us as well.

Jesus knows… He always knows… what's best for us.  He saves us in His way
and in His time.  He saves us from all our enemies… particularly from
ourselves… from our sins. 

Jesus entered Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday with you in mind.  He
entered that city to die, to die for you and in your place on the cross
because of your sins.  And He has entered your life in your Baptism,
claiming you as His own… granting you His grace, His love, His
forgiveness in those blessed waters.

He continues to enter into your life through His Word - spoken… read… and
even sung in our gorgeous hymns.

And He enters your life in His Supper - giving Himself for you to eat and
drink, thereby providing you with pure Gospel - forgiveness of sins and a
strengthening of faith so that you might continue on as a beloved one of

Dear Christians, today… on each day of Holy Week… and on every day for
the rest of your lives, remind yourselves that Christ Jesus through Word
and Sacrament triumphantly proclaims:  "I've answered your 'hosannas…' 
I've saved you now and forever!"  Thanks be to God!  [Amen.]

May the peace of God, which passes all human understanding, keep your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting.  [Amen.]
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