During the last ten days of the Church year, we’ve been living in liturgical 
limbo, existing between two realities.  We’ve celebrated our Lord’s ascension 
into heaven.  But since the Ascension, we’ve been waiting.  We’ve been waiting 
for this day.  Like the Apostles of old, we’ve been listening our Lord’s 
instructions to “wait in Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on 
high” (Luke 24:49).

So the Apostles waited.  They waited because the Lord Jesus told them to wait.  
But there was more to this waiting than that, much more.  Something powerful 
was to happen to them when their wait was finally over on Pentecost day.  The 
Holy Spirit had changed them: fear was turned into a martyr’s boldness, 
fishermen became the world’s teachers, and doubt was replaced by 
mountain-moving faith--all because of Pentecost.

Main Body
Sometimes we don’t realize how much we need Pentecost.  Pentecost is the 
birthday of the New Testament Church.  Pentecost is God giving His Holy Spirit 
to all believers, not just a few.  No longer was the Holy Spirit to dwell in a 
building, the Temple, like in the Old Testament.  There, God in the form of His 
Shekinah, the cloud, revealed Himself to His people above the Ark of Covenant 
in the Holy of Holies.  No longer was the Holy Spirit only given to people in 
positions of leadership, to do the tasks God had given them to do.  Because of 
Pentecost, all Christians have been brought into the Royal Priesthood, and each 
Christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost also shows that Christianity isn’t some human-created religion.  If 
Christianity were simply of human design, even if it were the best and most 
beautiful religion, the disciples wouldn’t have needed to wait in Jerusalem for 
Pentecost.  Why would they need to?

Jesus’ disciples had lived with Him for several years, a most-intense and 
personal seminary training.  They could’ve begun writing, teaching, and passing 
on what they had learned without a Pentecost.  Jesus had fully trained them.  
Now it time for them to start training others, right?  That’s how it is with 
other religions.

Not so with Christianity.  For Christianity is not just about ideas, moral 
guidance, or ethical norms.  Christianity, of course, has these things, but 
that’s not what the Christian faith is about.  If it were, Christianity would 
be but another form of Phariseeism.  No, Christianity is about the Holy Spirit 
calling someone through the Gospel, enlightened him with His gifts, and 
sanctifying and keeping him in the true faith.  There is no New Testament 
Christianity without Pentecost.

Pentecost is what Jesus promised when He said He would send another a Helper, a 
Counselor, a Guide, a Comforter.  As God breathed into Adam and he became a 
living being, so Christ breathes His Spirit of life into His people, and His 
people come alive.  That’s what Pentecost is all about.  The Spirit gives 
living breath.  And filled with the Spirit, God’s people become alive, unable 
to be silent, confessing and proclaiming Jesus Christ.

But sadly, so sadly, many Christians live as if they are still between 
Ascension and Pentecost, as if Pentecost never happened.  We live our lives as 
if the Christian faith were but a set of ideas.  We think we are Christian, or 
Lutheran, because we intellectually agree to certain facts in our heads, like 
the Small Catechism, which many of you studied long ago and have never looked 
at since.

If the Apostles had remained in that state of limbo, the state they were in 
between Ascension and Pentecost, they would never have brought the Gospel to 
the world.  They would’ve never lived out the faith as they did---and they 
would’ve never died for the faith as they did.  They would’ve never preached as 
they did.  Their faith-life was what it was because God the Holy Spirit was 
blowing, moving, and breathing within them.

Sometimes we show little proof that we are living as post-Pentecost Christians 
(and I don’t mean all the ridiculous nonsense that today passes for being 
filled with the Spirit).  I mean that our faith is weak, and that’s considered 
OK.  I mean that sin still controls our lives, and that’s considered OK.  We 
have little Christian joy, and that’s considered OK.

Today, we are often like the fearful and doubting disciples before Pentecost.  
Christianity without Pentecost is but an empty form!  If the Holy Spirit 
doesn’t permeate our lives with His presence, then our faith-life is but empty 
motion!  If God’s Word does not its way with us, then our Christian life is one 
without power!

Consider how the life of the Church depends on the Holy Spirit.  Baptism saves 
us because we aren’t born only of water, but of water and Spirit in holy 
baptism (John 3:3-5).  Without the Holy Spirit, there would be no forgiving 
words of absolution.  That’s why our Lord gathered His Apostles together and 
breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.  If you forgive the sins 
of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain them, they are retained” (St. 
John 20:23).

Think of why the Lutheran Church still ordains pastors.  Jesus never commanded 
it.  But ordination is a special giving of the Holy Spirit through the laying 
on of hands for men to be pastors.  As the Apostle Paul told Pastor Timothy, 
“Do not neglect the gift in you . . . by the laying on of hands” (1 Timothy 
4:14).  And Paul also told him to “fan into flame the gift of God, which is in 
you through the laying on of my hands, for God has not given us [that is, Paul 
and Timothy] a Spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound 
judgment” (2 Timothy 1:6-7).

Now think of the Mystery of Mysteries: the core of Christ’s New Covenant with 
His people, His Supper.  The existence of Christ’s body and blood in His Supper 
depends on the Holy Spirit working through the Word.  It’s the Holy Spirit 
working through the spoken words of the pastor, which He speaks over the bread 
and wine, that makes the Lord’s Supper the Lord’s Supper.

Everything Christ has commanded the Church to do would be but an empty form 
without the Holy Spirit.  And we can say that is true in all matters of faith 
and practice.  There is no prayer without the Holy Spirit praying in us.  
Fasting is simply dieting if it is not done in a way to help curb the sinful 
flesh.  It’s no coincidence that our Lord went into the desert to fast for 40 
days, “led by the Holy Spirit” (Luke 4:1).  We can’t overcome sin in our life 
without the Holy Spirit.  He is One who enables us to “put to death the deeds 
of the body,” as the Apostle Paul tells us to do (Romans 8:13).

Now some of you might be thinking, “But how do I experience this Pentecost 
Christianity?  I feel as if I’m stuck between Ascension and Pentecost!”  But 
are your feelings telling you the truth or telling you a lie?

Ask yourself this: “Can God raise the dead?  Can He breath life into the 
lifeless?  Can He revive, renew, and recreate His people, His saints on earth?” 
 Of course He can!  Of course He can, and He does, and He will by His Spirit, 
His breath, and His words.

The danger is that we try to recreate Pentecost for ourselves, as if we can 
create within us what only God the Holy Spirit can do.  This is one of the 
great sins of our age: we think we can by our own work and effort do what the 
Holy Spirit does, individually and as a congregation by manipulating external 

But what would happen after a few months of trying to manufacture a Holy 
Spirit-like effect in your life?  Your life would again become ordinary, 
mundane, and even boring--the same old wind, the same old fire, and the same 
old speaking in tongues.  And then you’d be looking for something new once more 
to replace the old.  You can’t create a Pentecost in your life--only God the 
Holy Spirit can do that!

But thanks be to God that Christ is living and breathing from the right hand of 
God.  His Spirit blows like a fresh wind across the face of the earth, igniting 
Pentecost when and where He chooses.  For the Holy Spirit produces faith when 
and where He wills, in those who hear the Gospel (AC V).

The danger about letting Pentecost enchant us for the wrong reasons is that we 
take our eyes off Jesus.  That’s where the Spirit wants us to look, to Jesus, 
instead of being bedazzled by all the Pentecostal pyrotechnics.  For the Holy 
Spirit wants to bring glory to Jesus, not Himself.  The Holy Spirit is like a 
spotlight shining on Christ.  And as with all spotlights, you focus on where 
the beam is shining, not on the beam itself.  So it is with the Spirit.

Our confidence in the Spirit’s presence and working is not in wind, fire, or 
tongues.  No, it’s in the preaching of Jesus, in the hearing of His 
forgiveness, in holy baptism, in the body and the blood, and in the Word.  
That’s where the Spirit is active, that’s where Pentecost is happening today, 
here and now, for you.  And that’s where you go looking for it!

Your baptism is your Pentecost day.  Every time you hear the Word of Christ 
addressing you in your own language, that’s also your Pentecost.  Whenever you 
eat of the bread that is Christ’s body and drink of the cup that is His blood 
and proclaim the Lord’s death, that is Pentecost for you.  Getting more Spirit 
into you is to be where the Holy Spirit is doing His work--and that work is 
done through Word and Sacrament.

The continuing work and life of Pentecost is not in the fire and the flaming 
tongues--even as enthralling as that is.  The continuing work and life of 
Pentecost is in the Word that brings repentance and faith in Jesus.

The true miracle of Pentecost was the 3,000 coming to faith that day.  The 
speaking in tongues was the way God the Holy Spirit enabled the proclaimed Word 
to be understood by all that day.  And there hasn’t been a day since then when 
the Holy Spirit hasn’t been doing His work.

Today, the Spirit of Christ still breathes life into His people.  The Spirit of 
Christ puts breath into your lungs and words into your mouth and ears.  The 
Spirit of Christ opens your lips, that your mouth may declare the praise of Him 
who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.  The Spirit of Christ 
continues to call you through the Gospel, enlightening you with His gifts, and 
sanctifying and keeping you in the true faith.

Yes, you are part of that great breath and wind of Pentecost.  That’s why your 
spiritually lifeless body now lives.  How do you know?  Because you believe in 
Jesus--and you can only do that by the Holy Spirit working in your life.  
That’s why Jesus’ death is yours.  That’s why His life is yours.  That’s why 
His Spirit is yours.  And whenever that is true, you are living in Pentecost.  

Rich Futrell, Pastor
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Kimberling City, MO

Where we are to receive and confess the faith of the Church (in and with the 
Augsburg Confession): The faith once delivered to the saints, the faith of 
Christ Jesus, His Word of the Gospel, His full forgiveness of sins, His flesh 
and blood given and poured out for us, and His gracious gift of life for body, 
soul, and spirit.

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