Dearly beloved,

 This sermon is most meaningful today because it accompanies what the church
always longs for.....baptisms and confirmations.  This week I have baptized
six adults.  This is almost unheard of in this day and age.  What is going
on? What is happening here at Trinity?

 But there is more...there are seven people being confirmed, who will be
eating and drinking Christ’s body and blood in the sacrament today.  What is
going on here at Trinity? What is more is that this all takes place on the
Feast of Pentecost when the church celebrates the Lord’s bestowal of the
Holy Spirit.  What is God telling us? Jesus is telling us that He does His
good and gracious work always.

 I want to explain to you why these blessings today are so amazing.  The age
group from the late 30’s downward are what we call “post-modern.”  This
means a lot of things, but let me highlight a few aspects of the worldview.
Post-moderns are less likely to describe themselves as religious.
Post-moderns believe in a god, but feel very comfortable to explore other
religions.  Christianity is quickly losing its ground as the dominant
religion in America.  This same mindset is also less interested in absolute
truth--that there is one truth.

 Post-moderns are more inclined to create their own spirituality rather than
take one religion complete and in a package.  Post-moderns typically are
favorable to Jesus but they don’t like the perception they have of
Christianity.  In other words, post-moderns may be a follower of Jesus,
while not wanting to be called Christian.  There is way more to this, but
this is just the tip of the iceberg.  There are also a lot of factors which
have led to this, namely the computer revolution.  It isn’t going to go
away, either.  Post-modern culture is going to manifest itself more and

 This is why it is all the more amazing that six adults have been baptized
and seven are to take the sacrament for the first time.  Pentecost.....what
does it mean for the church? It means that the Lord uses pastors to preach
the word, baptize and administer the sacraments.  Pentecost is about the
Holy Spirit coming in the Word of God, in Holy Baptism, and in the Lord’s

 Pentecost has the Holy Spirit being poured out and Jesus entering people.
Jesus comes inside of you and takes residence.  Christ’s indwelling among
you is His love for you from the cross pouring out over you.  But to get
back to the post-modern culture that the church will have to work with is
where we meet our problem.  Christians don’t often put the best foot
forward.  While we are saint and sinner at the same time, the unbeliever
often sees the worst side of us.  While our intentions are good, the sinner
side usually comes out in full array.

 The younger generations have a perception of Christianity that is
unfavorable.  Most often the conclusion is that Christians are always
condemning others.  They see Christians doing more hating than loving.  They
see more judgment and less mercy.  I am not saying that we shouldn’t address
behavior.  Ungodly behavior has to be addressed at some point, but we must
put first things first.

 Christianity must teach the love and mercy of Christ, first.  Then, the
church shall begin to talk about behavior.  What comes first is the
proclamation that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of all
of your sins.  Justification.  Then sanctification, or, holy living
follows.  We cannot expect any holy living out of people who do not yet know
the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.

 This is why we are here, after all.  We are here because we need mercy; we
need love; we need forgiveness.  This is why the church exists.  The church
is the body of believers who gather with Jesus to be fed.  Belonging to
Jesus means we journey with Him.  St. Paul says it well, “Therefore, as you
received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him
and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in
thanksgiving”(Colossians 2:6-7).

 I have spent the last three months teaching these people about the journey
with Christ.  They are only beginning the journey.  They are receiving
mysterious and eternal blessings in the sacraments.  Their lives are changed
forever.  They have climbed aboard with Jesus and are embarking on the road
with Jesus at the head.  They are “followers” of Jesus in the truest sense
and so are you.  Many of you have been on this journey for some time.

You have faced all kinds of things on your journey with Christ, and Jesus
has nurtured you all the way.  Jesus forgives you of all of your sins, even
not putting your best foot forward oftentimes.  Jesus is your strength, and
you abide in Him.  Jesus promises in the gospel for today that He sends the
Holy Spirit to the church: “But the helper, the Holy Spirit,  whom the
Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your
remembrance all that I have said to you.”  Jesus, through the Holy Spirit,
teaches us His way.  The Holy Spirit shows us what the road of Christ is.

 This is a blessed journey with Christ that you are on.  No matter where you
are on the road with Christ, you can be sure that His mercy will flow to
you.  He loves you.  I love you.  The Pentecost event signals the love of
God for the life of the world.  The Pentecost event signals the beginning of
the journey of the church with Christ.  Jesus speaks into your ear the words
of life.  Jesus speaks a word of forgiveness to you for all of your sins.
Jesus strengthens your heart as you journey.  Jesus has compassion for you
and will stay with you as He has promised--”Lo, I am with you always to the
very end of the age.”

 Truly, we are witnessing this week at Trinity that Jesus does miraculous
and amazing things in the lives of people--in the lives of you and me.
Jesus even uses people to bless--pastors to preach, baptize and distribute
the Lord’s Supper--and all of you to love and serve.  Truly, the Love of
Christ is in our midst.  The Holy Spirit is working in and among us.  The
love of Jesus is poured out over you.  Amen.

Rev. Chad Kendall
Trinity Lutheran Church
Lowell, Indiana

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