Sermon for the Feast of the Holy Trinity,
At the Baptism of Zackary Lee Avey

If Anyone Keeps My Word, He Will Never See Death
Baptismal Sponsorship and the Faith of the Whole Church

Theme: You are your brother’s keeper. Keep the faith and hold Jesus’ Words for 
his sake as well as for
your own. 

Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! 
Amen. In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives you a good and healthy reason to make 
regular use of the ancient creeds in your worship: “Truly, truly, I say to you, 
if anyone keeps My Word, he will never see death.” In today’s Gospel, Jesus 
gives you the one tool you need to raise you children and all the children of 
this congregation faithfully in the Christian faith—a tool that guarantees you 
will never fail your child or the children of this congregation in their 
Christian upbringing: “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My Word, he 
will never see death.” In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives you a portal and a 
doorway into life that will never die: “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone 
keeps My Word, he will never see death.”
Dear Christian friends,

Jeff, Karen, and Josh Avey have just taken on an enormous responsibility for 
young Zackary Lee. Not only are they grandparents and uncle to this child, but 
they have now also become this child’s baptismal sponsors—his godparents. You 
heard these people pledge that they will, with the help of God, give their 
ready attention and long-term aid to raising this child in the Christian faith. 

I would hate for the rest of you Christians to get fooled by the promise these 
three Christians made, or by the exhortation written in our baptismal liturgy. 
Do not get the wrong impression from the words that I spoke to Jeff, Karen, and 
Josh after they pledged their faithfulness: “Yes, with the help of God,” they 
said. Then I said to them, “God enable you both to will and to do this faithful 
and loving work and with His grace fulfill what we are unable to do” (LSB, 269).

I almost wish the words, “fulfill what we are unable to do” were never written 
into our baptismal liturgy. “God enable [you sponsors to]… fulfill what we are 
unable to do.” That is the part the rest of you Christians had better not let 
fool you. Do not fall into the mistaken impression that, simply because Jeff 
and Karen and Josh have sworn to be Zackary Lee’s sponsors, you therefore have 
no role or responsibility in helping raise this child in the faith. TO THE 
CONTRARY: you also are personally connected to this child’s life and you 
beholden to him along with Jeff and Karen and Josh. You are the baptized of 
Christ and this child now joins you in your soup. Don’t ever let him think he 
is in this Christian faith alone.

There are, of course, certain things that Zackary’s baptismal sponsors will be 
doing for him that none of the rest of us will be able to do as well as they. 
We are able to give this child a baptismal banner, but his sponsors will be on 
the front lines, drawing the banner to the child’s attention as it hangs on the 
wall near his bed. We can teach Zackary his Sunday School lessons, but his 
sponsors will be knee deep helping momma read him his bedtime stories from the 
Old and New Testaments. We will, of course, provide the confirmation class for 
Zachary—but his baptismal sponsors will be making sure the car gets filled with 
gas and the memory assignments are completed. 

All that being said, Jesus says to each of you Christians, and not merely to 
Zackary’s baptismal sponsors, “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My 
Word, he will never see death.” Stated another way, Jesus is saying to you, “ 
If anyone holds My Word faithfully, that person will never see death.” With 
these Words, Jesus wants you to know that:

1.      The Word you personally have been given in your Baptism; the Word that 
has been increasingly poured out upon you in the preaching of the church; the 
Word you eat and drink in Holy Communion—this Word saves you from death. This 
Word forgives you all your sins and cleanses you from all unrighteousness so 
that you no longer have any reason or cause for death. The math is simple: 1) 
The wage is sin is death (Romans 6:23); 2) your sin has been taken away by the 
shed blood of Jesus, which is poured out for you in His Words; therefore 3) 
because you sin is gone, you will not receive the wage of death. “Truly, truly, 
I say to you, if anyone keeps My Word, he will never see death.”

2.      The Word you have been given to keep and to hold does more than save 
you personally. This same Word is also the power of God unto salvation (1 
Corinthians 1:18) for those who hear you confess the faith. Stated another way, 
your fellow Christians around you benefit greatly when you confess the creeds 
in worship. When you confess the ancient creeds, these Christians around you 
become the recipients of a divine miracle—the miracle of the Word—which passes 
from your lips into their ears. When you confess your faith and the faith of 
the whole Church in our Apostles’ Creed or our Nicene Creed or our Athanasian 
Creed (as we have done today), you are giving the Words of Jesus to other 
people around you. Stated another way, part of the reason you speak the creeds 
is so that others around you may keep Jesus’ Words and hold Jesus’ Words and 
never taste death.

3.      “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My Word, he will never see 
death.” The creeds will now become your every-Sunday gift to the little child 
who was baptized today. “If anyone keeps My Word, he will never see death.” 
These creeds are your every-Sunday gift to all the baptized of Christ. “If 
anyone keeps My Word, he will never see death.” That is sponsorship role of 
each Christian here, and not merely Jeff or Karen or Josh. “If anyone keeps My 
Word, he will never see death.” That is your eternal gift to all the children 
of the church, as well as to their parents. 

Your personal role of confessing the Christian faith will become increasingly 
essential for young Zackary Lee as he grows older. Right now, he is all gurgles 
and squeaks, but those days will not last for long. That boy is going to grow 
up to be a hardheaded boy (not merely because he is Jeff’s grandson! J). He’s 
going to be a hardheaded boy because he is just as deeply riddled with the 
incurable disease of sin as you and I are. Because of this inescapable sin that 
we all possess, this child will become as horribly tempted as you and I are 

1.      He is going to wonder whether this sin and forgiveness stuff that you 
speak about in your creeds is really as important as you say it is. 

2.      He is sometimes going to feel as though death and resurrection are 
fairly distant from his everyday life, and therefore not all that necessary to 
talk about on Sunday morning. 

3.      He is even going to wonder about what the Christian church really has 
for him. He might grow bored with hearing God’s Words. He might grow jaded 
toward the liturgy of the Church. He might begin to think that Church is 
somehow failing him and not giving him what he needs. (Please do not feel 
surprised by that. It is not like other Christians have never felt themselves 
tempted by such things—why should we think Zackary Lee will avoid the same?)

When the day comes that Zackary begins to wonder whether the ancient creeds of 
the Church is truly important for him, be baptismal sponsor to this child. Join 
with Jeff and Karen and Josh by confessing the faith; by praying that he not 
fall; by holding the Word of God before Zackary’s eyes and ears; by pleading 
with him using the Words of Jesus in today’s Gospel: “If anyone keeps My Word, 
he will never see death.”

When that day comes when worship of the Church does not seem terribly relevant 
to him, be baptismal sponsor to this child. When he begins to wonder what this 
congregation has for him and when he begins to think that this congregation is 
not giving him what he needs, ask this child, what does he seek and what 
exactly does he expect? What does he wish to have from this congregation? 

·       Does he seek some form of entertainment, as many Christians have come 
to seek it? If that is the case, tell him to go to a movie!

·       Does he seek a circle of friends or people of common interests? If that 
is the case, tell him to join the Boy Scouts. (I may sound a bit brash, but I 
wish to force the question upon you: what is the purpose of this Church and 
your place in it?)

·       Be baptismal sponsor to this child, dear saints! During his darkest 
days, ask this child if he wishes to have assurance that, no matter what 
happens to him in his life, his God will never fail to love and care for him, 
protecting him every hour. Ask him, does he wish to have power and defense over 
the greatest forces in this fallen creation, forces that seek his destruction 
and death? Does he want to know and to be assured that he shall rise to live 
with his Christ in righteousness and purity forever? If so, then tell him he 
has come to the right place. Point this child to his Baptism and tell him that 
you remember this day: This is the day the Triune God adopted Zackary Lee to be 
His child, in the same way that you also have been adopted to be a child of the 
Trinity. This is the day that Jesus’ blood was personally applied to all of 
Zackary’s sins, just as Jesus’ blood was personally applied to your sins. This 
is the day the Holy Spirit gave
 Zackary the Words of God to keep and to hold—in the same way that you have 
been given God’s Words to keep and to hold. “If anyone keeps My Word,” says 
Jesus, “he will never see death.”

When all is said and done, stand with this child in the solidarity of eternal 
life. What is promised him is likewise promised to you. What is given to him is 
likewise given to you. Here also is your forgiveness, your salvation, and your 
life: “If anyone keeps My Word, he will never see death.”

The peace of God which passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds 
through Christ Jesus. Amen.

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