The puzzling response of Jesus to Mary and Martha leave us scratching our 
heads.  Our Lord Jesus praises the contemplative, dreamy-eyed Mary, sitting at 
His feet.  He scolds the busily working Martha.

What gives?  Martha was the one who was busily looking after Jesus’ needs and 
His well-being, not Mary!  To us, the way Jesus responds is backwards.  To our 
way of thinking, Jesus has it all wrong.

If it wasn’t Jesus responding in such a way, we’d give Him a piece of our mind. 
 We’d accuse Jesus of promoting cheap grace.  We’d say that He wasn’t 
encouraging the faithful to get off their flabby bottoms to work in His Kingdom.

Why would Jesus scold Martha and encourage Mary?  Throughout His travels, He 
would say over and again that true discipleship consists in both hearing and 
doing (Luke 6:47; 8:15, 21; 11:28)?  Why doesn’t Jesus, who is so compassionate 
toward the downtrodden, sympathize with Martha?

Had I been there, I would’ve turned it around.  I would’ve had Jesus praise 
busy Martha and scold idle Mary.  Chances are that’s the way you’d have done it 

Main Body
After all, Martha’s doing much work--good, hard work!  She focused her enormous 
energies on Jesus’ comfort.  She straightened the guestroom.  She went off to 
market to select the best products and the needed foods for the entrée.  
Everything must flow together just right.  The side dish must be warm.  Only 
such and such a vintage of wine would do.  She was a whirlwind.  She’s the 
church member Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church wishes they had scores of!

But with Jesus, you don’t get to call the shots, and neither do I.  He calls 
the shots, and He must have had a good reason for saying what He said.

So let’s be sure to get the full force of what Jesus wants us to have.  The 
Martha that Jesus scolded was not a bad woman.  She wasn’t a slacker or some 
loser.  She was a close friend of Jesus.  She loved Him.  Martha was a tireless 
worker for God’s Kingdom.  And that’s what was wrong with her.  She was working 
too much!  Yet, Martha’s action was not bad--at least not in itself.

To put the events in today’s context, Martha wasn’t sleeping in on Sunday 
morning instead of going to church.  She wasn’t out on the golf course.  She 
was if anywhere, in the church kitchen preparing the church dinner.

Martha was working for a good cause.  She simply meant to serve the Lord.  
After all, isn’t that what He wanted?  Yes.  Jesus said time and again that His 
followers should serve Him.  The Lord wanted activity--and she was doing it!

To all appearances, Martha was doing what was right.  So sure that she was 
right, Martha even asked Jesus to send Mary into the kitchen.  Yet, what did 
Jesus do?  He scolded Martha for doing and praised Mary for receiving.  What a 
surprising turn of events!

Sometimes a person has to choose between two evils.  But Martha, we might say, 
had a choice between two goods.  There was the good of serving the Lord.  And 
then there was the good of sitting at His feet and receiving Jesus in all His 
fullness.  Mind you, both are good.  But which is better?

So get this--and let it be forever etched in your memory--the good of receiving 
Jesus is better than the good of serving Him.  Yes, the good of receiving Jesus 
is better than the good of serving Him.

Hurriedly working for Jesus and hearing Him in the preached Word are both good. 
 But hearing Jesus in the preached Word is better.  Serving others and 
receiving Jesus in His Supper are both are good.  But receiving Jesus in His 
Supper is better.  Actively working for the Lord and passively receiving His 
Word are both good.  But if forced to choose, it is better for the Christian to 
be passive and receive from Christ.

This truth is so deep that we even have to let it rewire us when we come to 
worship in the Lord’s house.  We naturally want to be a Martha when we come to 
worship, to be doing stuff for the Lord, just like her.  We naturally want to 
feed ourselves.  Yet, Jesus never says anywhere, “Flock feed yourself.”  Our 
natural understanding of worship is all wrong.  We think that worship is about 
all that we do for God.  But that’s wrong: Worship is about all that God does 
for us.

Jesus says:
Don’t just do something, sit there.  During this sacred hour, I, your Lord, am 
doing the work.  If anything, your hankering to do something during the Divine 
Service displeases Me.  I am the one who feeds you through the read Word, 
through the preached Word, through the Word of absolution, and through the Word 
in the Lord’s Supper.  It is only after I have fed you with My Word, then you 
are to serve, as you go from this place into the world.

This truth is so serious that Jesus broke all the conventions of His day to 
drive that point home.  The Judaism of Jesus’ day did not forbid a woman to 
learn the Torah, God’s revelation to His people.  But it was unheard of for a 
rabbi to allow a woman to sit at his feet.  Yet, that what’s Jesus did!

Judaic tradition has many sayings about teaching a woman as if she were a man.  
“The words of the Torah . . . should not be handed over to a woman.”  “The man 
who teaches his daughter the Torah teaches her extravagance.”  With Jesus, 
drinking Him in and learning His truths are for both men and women, young and 
old, Jew and Gentile.  That’s why Jesus praises Mary for sitting at His feet, 
where she will receive Him and take in what He will give of Himself for her.

Now, to be sure, the Christian both receives Jesus and lives out the love of 
Jesus in his life.  The Christian both works and worships, labors and listens, 
serves and is served.  That’s the ideal.  That’s the way it should be.

While doing both, you are to remember Mary and Martha.  Yet, you are to be ever 
aware that worship is more important than the work, that listening to Jesus is 
more essential than laboring, that being served by Jesus is more blessed than 
serving.  And should a conflict ever arise between these two good 
things--serving the Lord or hearing His Word--the Christian, like Mary, chooses 
the good part and sits at Jesus’ feet.

Why was Mary’s the good part?  Well, Jesus said so.  And that settles the 
matter!  But this wasn’t some arbitrary, random decision of Jesus.  If we 
search the Scriptures, we soon discover that He had a good reason for approving 
Mary’s action.  And that reason is this: You can’t serve the Lord unless He 
first serves you.

You can’t do anything good in God’s eyes--unless the good Lord first comes to 
you through Word and Sacrament and makes what you do worthwhile and good.  You 
can’t be a man or woman of God, unless you’ve first got God, and you only get 
Him through Word and Sacrament.  You can’t be a fruit-producing branch unless 
you’re first connected to the Vine.  You can’t be a Martha--at least an 
acceptable Martha in God’s eyes--serving as you should unless you’re first a 
Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet.

In the Christian life, there can be no output without input.  It is the input 
that comes first.  We know someone can do what the world says is good--even 
without being a Christian.  Our world is filled with people doing what we call 
“good” without being Christians.  Our world is filled with people working 
busily and engaged in good causes.

But without Christ, their efforts--no matter how good--fall short of His 
standards.  For we need to remember that God doesn’t simply want us to be busy 
doing what we think is good.  We can be Pharisees and do that.  No, God is more 
concerned that He does His good work for us, in us, and then through us.  
Indeed, it’s Christ for us, in us, and then through us.  This Mary knew well.  

Rich Futrell, Pastor
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Kimberling City, MO

Where we are to receive and confess the faith of the Church (in and with the 
Augsburg Confession): The faith once delivered to the saints, the faith of 
Christ Jesus, His Word of the Gospel, His full forgiveness of sins, His flesh 
and blood given and poured out for us, and His gracious gift of life for body, 
soul, and spirit.

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