Our h.s. youth that attended the Higher Things conference in Nashville
last month sang two verses of the Conference Hymn O God, O Lord of Heaven
and Earth as part of this service.  I used the text of that hymn to drive
the sermon direction.
Pr. Ron Rock
Zion, Beecher, IL

“We Were There!”
Sermon Text – Hebrews 11:17-31; 12:1-3, LSB #834
Sun. & Wed., August 15 & 18, 2010
Pentecost 12, Proper 15, C
Old Testament Reading – Jeremiah 23:16-17, 23-29
Epistle Reading – Hebrews 11:17-31; 12:1-3
Gospel Lesson – Luke 12:49-53
Zion Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL
Dear friends in Christ Jesus,
We were there!  Yeah…  for all 15 of us…  for 4 great days…  it was like
we were…  we were in heaven itself!
What am I talking about?  The high school youth sitting in the choir
loft…  along with their chaperones…  they know exactly what I’m
describing.  12 youth and 3 sponsors went to the Higher Things Youth
Conference in Nashville in mid-July.  There, for four days, we mingled
with 1,104 other youth and their sponsors.
We went to classes and breakout sessions that discussed a wide variety of
topics that helped the youth consider our world and their place in it. 
They were able to hear presentations on Creation, the Liturgy, Religious
Cults, the parables told by Jesus.  Really…  the topics were seemingly
endless…  and each person could choose the classes to attend that were of
most interest to him or her.
Besides the classes, the youth had free time where they could play games,
meet other Christian youth from all over the country, or simply explore
the beautiful campus at Vanderbilt University – where our conference was
But…  but…  the greatest part of the conference…  the best part of the
week…  was spent in worship.  And…  that’s not just me saying that!  No! 
Ask the youth.  We all thrilled each time we entered the auditorium that
served as our chapel.  By the way…  we had ten…  ten formal worship
services in those four days!
And oh…  how we sang.  Boys and girls…  men and women…  we lifted our
voices in hymn, chant, and high thanksgiving to our great God and Lord
who created us and has saved us by the blood of His one and only Son.
Notice the insert in your bulletin.  There you’ll find listed all the
hymns that we sang that week.  There’s no fluff or silliness to be found
there; rather, the hymns that we sang were solid testaments of the
Christian faith that have…  or will easily…  stand the test of time.
In the opening Divine Service, we sang 15…  yeah…  you heard that right… 
we sang 15 hymns…  and the youth belted out each one of them with an
eagerness that made what hair I have on my head to stand up with joy!
After we returned home we took a poll of the youth.  The hands-down
favorite was the overall Conference Hymn.  That hymn is in our hymnal,
but before today we’d never sung it here at Zion.  The words to the hymn
are fantastic and the gorgeous tune (although a bit difficult) makes the
entire hymn to be a majestic statement of faith…  of praise…  and of the
sure and certain hope to be found in the eternal promises of the Lord our
As we’ve done on other occasions, we’ll allow the text of the hymn to
drive the direction of our sermon.  You’re encouraged to open your hymnal
to #834 and consider the words during the course of the sermon.
Verse 1 begins:
1.  O God, O Lord of heav’n and earth,
   Thy living finger never wrote 
That life should be an aimless note,
   A deathward drift from futile birth.
Our youth did…  and all of us for that matter can…  take great comfort in
these first words.  Here the fact is reiterated that from the beginning
the Lord of All never wanted life for humankind to be aimless with no
real point to it.  So many in our world say that “The purpose of life on
earth is to pay taxes until you die.”
How sad that philosophy of life is!  And here in stanza one we have
pointed out to us once again that the Lord never intended such a life for
us humans…  the preeminent of His visible creatures.
Please consider this from our high school students’ standpoint.  How
great these words were for them to hear…  and sing…  4 times over during
the conference.  Let’s face it, things in our world…  and in our nation… 
are pretty tough right now.  It would be ever so easy  to get down and
depressed when you consider the state of things – both economically and
politically.  But this great hymn opens the eyes of our youth…  and each
of us…  to the fact that our Creator has far from a futile life in mind
for us!
Verse 1 concludes:
Thy Word meant life triumphant hurled
   In splendor through Thy broken world.
Since light awoke and life began.
   Thou hast desired Thy life for man.
With these words we’re told that our loving Father in heaven wasn’t
satisfied to leave His beloved ones leading a life of futility.  As we
hear in the Gospel reading each Christmas morning…  Jesus, “became Flesh”
(John 1:14 , ESV) came into our “broken world” to bring life and light
where there was only death and darkness.
Please follow in your hymnal as our youth sing the first stanza.
The words of the second verse get our undivided attention.  The cause of
humankind’s damnation to hell is clearly and succinctly stated:
2.  Our fatal will to equal Thee,
   Our rebel will wrought death and night.
We seized and used in prideful spite
   Thy wondrous gift of liberty.
It’s true, isn’t it?  We have no one to blame but ourselves.  Just like
Adam and Eve. we…  too…  desire to “equal” God.  Just like our first
parents, we’re “rebels” who think that we know better than God what’s the
best course for our life’s conduct.
God gave us the gift of “liberty…”  “free will” as we usually call it… 
and we misuse it and abuse it to selfishly obtain that which satisfies
our base wants and desires.  We callously do this…  regardless of who it
hurts…  those around us or even…  even…  God, Himself!  
Verse two concludes:
We housed us in this house of doom,
   Where death had royal scope and room,
Until Thy servant, Prince of Peace,
   Breached all its walls for our release.
There we were…  mired in sin…  with only eternal death in hell awaiting
us.  St. Paul describes it: “…but I see in my members another law waging
war against the law of my mind & making me captive to the law of sin that
dwells in my members. 24Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from
this body of death?” (Rom. 7:23-24, ESV)
Our youth will now sing verse 2.  As they conclude this verse notice the
hint of rescue for Paul…  and for you!
Verse 3 is pure Gospel!  It speaks of Jesus and His giving, saving,
loving work for our youth…  for you…  for me…  for the whole world! 
Devour these words with your ears:
3.  Thou camest to our hall of death,
   O Christ, to breathe our poisoned air,
To drink for us the dark despair
   That strangled our reluctant breath.
How beautiful the feet that trod
   The road that leads us back to God!
How beautiful the feet that ran
   To bring the great good news to man!!
Jesus, the righteous Author of Life, came into our world of evil and
death in order to conquer it – for us!  The only acceptable way to do
that was for Jesus to undergo the death that we deserved.  In other
words, He entered our world to live among us – to fulfill the Law of God
perfectly in our place.  He “breathed our poisoned air” and drank deeply
of the cup of God’s wrath…  so that we need not.
He did that on a certain Friday outside the gates of Jerusalem some 2,000
years ago.  It was there that Jesus…  true God and true Man…  was
punished unto His death…  suffering the equivalent of eternal death in
hell for everyone who would ever live on this earth!  Through faith in
Jesus…  given to us through contact with the means of Grace in God’s Word
and His Sacraments…  such as in Baptism for little Nora Gunning a few
minutes ago…  through faith in Jesus, God considers it that your sins… 
every one of them…  have been punished in Jesus…  and thereby God
considers you as one of His very own…  for time and eternity!
And so, “how beautiful indeed are the feet” of those messengers who bring
this Good News to us.  It begins with Jesus’ feet…  He the Prophet who
first brought “the Good News to man.”  
That idea continues with anyone else whom Jesus uses to bring the Good
News to His people…  telling generation after generation of God’s love
and forgiveness found only in His Son.
Our youth repeatedly heard the Good News throughout their week in
Nashville.  And that Good News gave comfort to their soul…  and put joy
in their heart.  They now ask you to join them in singing their favorite
hymn.  They ask you to abandon any false, self-conscious notion that you
might have thinking that you have a poor voice.  They ask that you join
them in singing the words of verse 3 that speak of their Savior…  and
Sing…  sing like a prisoner that’s just been released…  for that’s
exactly what you are!
The last verse is a prayer.  It’s a prayer that the Spirit of Christ
would bless His Church on earth so that it might forever be used to bring
the Gospel to mankind.  It’s also a prayer asking that those within His
Church…  motivated by the Gospel…  would live each day of their earthly
life in high tribute to our Great God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 
Here are the words:
4.  O Spirit, who didst once restore
   Thy Church that it might be again
The bringer of good news to men,
   Breathe on Thy cloven Church once more,
That in these gray and latter days
   There may be those whose life is praise,
Each life a high doxology
   To Father, Son, and unto Thee.
That week in July, our youth and leaders once again saw…  with crystal
clarity…  what it means to be a Christian.  They saw that the Church of
Jesus Christ continues on, generation after generation, in the same way
that it always has – by bringing sinful man into contact with God’s love
and forgiveness through Word and Sacrament ministry.  They came away from
that conference with a deep understanding that the writer to Hebrews was
dead-on correct…  that it’s “by faith…”  by faith in Jesus…  that God
gives eternal life to them…  and to you.
They plan, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to lead their lives in a
“high doxology…”  ever giving glory, honor, and praise to the God who
created them… who sustains them…  and who knows each of them as one His
precious own!  
As a group they’re placing $500 into the church’s offering today.  They
do that, trusting that God will bless that offering and use it to advance
His kingdom.  They do that, hoping that as a result of that money being
put to use, more and more people will join them in heaven and say along
with them:  “We are there!  We’re in heaven…  beside our Savior… 
surrounded by His love for all eternity!  Thanks be to God!”  [Amen.]
Please stand and join our youth in singing the final stanza of our hymn.


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