Micah 1:1-16

The words of the prophet Micah open for us a world with which we are largely
unfamiliar.  The basics are there.  God’s people sin in the Old Testament.
God responds with words of judgment.  The people respond with sadness and
horror.  Micah, the prophet is sad because he lives to serve God.  His name
is a rhetorical question: Micah means “Who is like Yahweh?” Who is like God?
The name Micah states what needs to be stated--no one and nothing is greater
than the Lord God.

 Micah writes his book as a contemporary of Isaiah.  We pondered some of
Isaiah’s prophecy in Advent.  Now, we turn to Micah to see things from his
vantage point.  God lays out the punishment for Samaria and for the house of
David.  Micah was dealing with a situation where the prophets and preachers
were only concerned with political correctness.

 They worked in league with the royal cabinet of bureaucrats.  This altered
their preaching.  Instead of preaching and prophesying God’s word and truth,
they preached only things that would keep them in everyone’s good graces.
This corrupted the nation.  Since the truth of God’s word was not being
proclaimed and people were not being led in the right directions, everything
in society started to go awry.  Sexual impurity ensued.  The people began to
worship pagan deities.  The high places and mountaintops were not used for
praying to Yahweh.  Instead, the high places were used for worshipping those
pagan gods.

Corruption, both, political and monetary became enormous issues.  During
Micah’s days of prophecy, there was corruption from within.  The
infrastructure began to deteriorate.  If that wasn’t bad enough, there was
another mounting problem in Micah’s day: The imperial Assyrian army was
picking up speed.  The Assyrians were growing in power.  Isaiah, in like
manner, speaks of the Assyrians coming onslaught.  Picture a strong, ancient
army.  They are all unified by their war uniforms.  A multitude of strong
men, of great number.  They were professional soldiers, not volunteers.
They knew how to fight.

Isaiah says of them: “None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall
slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor
the latchet of their shoes broken”(Isaiah 5:27).  This was not an army to
contend with.  This army was preparing to come to lay waste to Samaria and
Judah.  Isaiah also says that the Assyrian army was going to be used as “the
rod of God’s anger”(Isaiah 10:5).

Micah speaks of this coming destruction in chapter one.  What does Micah say
in response to this ill news? “Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go
stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the jackal and mourning as
the owl”(vs. 8).  In like manner, Micah says that the people should roll
themselves in the dust (vs. 10).  Chapter one is completely void of any
gospel.  These are words of judgment.

But in the picture of Micah wailing and howling as he is stripped and naked
leads to something different than what had been going on in these lands.
When Micah says to roll in the dust and to shave their heads bald, we are
seeing something that was not happening there for some time.  Wailing,
howling, shaving the head, and rolling in the dust were visual
manifestations of repentance.

Rolling in the dust is the symbolic action that acknowledged the reality
that they were but dust.  This was the acknowledgment that they were not in
control of their lives, ultimately.  To roll in the dust and to shave their
heads was, in effect, saying that they no longer lived for themselves.  To
roll in the dust was to recall the words in Genesis that man was formed from
the dust of the earth and he would return.  What was important about this
action was that the person who did it was acknowledging a difference between
man and God.

God is not of the dust.  God is eternal.  God has no beginning and no end.
Man does have an end.  Hidden in the ashes is hope.  One cannot overlook the
importance of Micah’s words of judgment.  It was the only hope for the
people to turn and repent.  A silent prophet in the Old Testament means bad
things for the people.  Even prophecies of doom must be valued as God’s
gifts to His people.  Silence is a worse form of judgment and the great and
strange irony is that the prophets who were only speaking soft words in
Micah’s day were as though they were silent.  They were doing the people no

Micah gives hope; God gives hope through Micah.  St. Paul speaks striking
words that seem to be running in the same line as Micah: “Or do you show
contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not
realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?”(Romans 2:4).
Words of law are to be equated to God’s kindness to the recipients.  You
need to hear difficult words sometimes.  Neither should the pastor be
silent.  Law and Gospel are to be preached.  Both Law and Gospel are to be
valued as God’s gift to His people.

The reality for us is that we are in danger from the world, the devil, and
our sinful flesh.  To acknowledge our sin, as painful as it is, is a
reminder to ourselves that we are not God.  We have a beginning and an end,
but our God is eternal.  Whether there be struggles from within as the
people in Judah and Samaria battled, or whether there is an enemy from
without that threatens to overtake us like the Assyrians, we can be sure
that the gospel has been placed for all.

Jesus is our everlasting help.  To repent of your sins is to look to Christ
as the Savior who conquers the enemy.  Christ crucified is the image we bear
because it is there that God’s answer is given to you--it is in the image of
the crucifix that we are reminded that we are not God.  As you roll in the
dust, remembering your own mortality, your frail soul and stature, the image
of Christ hanging on the cross is the Father’s answer.  The difficulty that
the image brings with it is still God speaking good words and not remaining

 Christ’s answer is one of atonement, forgiveness, love, pardon, nurture,
protection, and promise.  The answer is Christ crucified for the world.
What freedom this is for us!  His bonds spell the breaking of our chains.
We are holy; we are loved.  We are blessed.  “In many and various ways God
spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has
spoken to us by His Son........” Thanks be to God.  Amen.

Rev. Chad Kendall
Trinity Lutheran Church
Lowell, Indiana

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