If a father loves fishing, he teaches his son how to fish.  If a mother loves 
quilting, she teaches her daughter how to quilt.  What you love, you talk about 
and do.  That’s just obvious.  What you love, you pass on to your children, 
because you love them.  You want them to love what you love.  Again, that’s 
just obvious. 

What you love the most, you will seek out and make the center of your life.  
What you love the most, you will see as the most-precious and valuable 
possession you have.  So, if you love God more than any other, that will show 
in what you say and do.  And what you love the most, you will teach your 
children to love.  That simply happens by how you live your life.  

Main Body
That’s why God tells us in His Ten Commandments: “Do not bow down to [your 
idols] or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a passionate God” (Exodus 
20:5).  And Jesus does the same, warning us against idolatry when He tells us 
not to worry.  For at the root of worry is idolatry.  It’s trusting something 
more than you trust in God. 

Always, it’s a choice between the creation and the Creator.  Will we love 
something in creation more than the Creator?  Whom or what will we love more, 
God or mammon, God or wealth?  So, when you love something that God gives you 
more than you love God Himself, that’s when you become an idolater.  

And here’s where it gets even rougher: You can’t worship the false god of 
creation and the true God, the Creator.  That’s incompatible, like oil and 
water.  You can’t serve two masters.  You will either hate the one and love the 
other, or serve the one and despise the other.  

Why is God this intolerant?  Today, we just want life to go easy for us.  Can’t 
we just get along?  Can’t we just agree to disagree?  Such thinking in matters 
eternal doesn’t help you.  

God knows that sin clouds your fallen mind.  That’s why you and I don’t even 
know what will make us happy in eternity.  Often, we don’t even know what will 
make us happy here!  Yet, God knows that even the birds of the air, in many 
ways, have more sense than we do.  At least they don’t worry about what they 
can’t change!  God also knows that when you are bowing down to the god of 
creation, you are, in truth, bowing down to Satan!

That’s why you can’t serve God and mammon.  That’s why you can’t serve God and 
the possessions you have here.  To do so is to serve both God and Satan, which 
is impossible to do.  That’s why God is intolerant.  But it goes even deeper 
than that.  

God is intolerant because He also wants you to be like Him.  He wants you to 
perfect, holy, and righteous, without sin ruining everything, without sin 
killing you even into eternity.  That’s why God sent His Son, Jesus, to be your 
sin, so you could become His righteousness.  Can you now see how God knows what 
you need, even when you don’t?  

When Jesus tells you first to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, 
what is He saying?  He’s saying the spiritual treasures God gives you are more 
valuable than the material possessions He gives you.  It’s that simple. 

But again, it’s more than that.  How will you believe that God will take care 
of your daily needs, when so often you’re not sure?  First, you must believe 
that He cares for your eternal needs, for faith in God leads you to believe the 
others truths of God.  Without faith, how will you ever believe that God will 
take care of you?

So, how does God create this confidence in you, so you know--not just 
feel--that He will provide for your daily needs?  He does this first by 
bringing you to see that He has taken care of your eternal needs.  And if God 
has done that, and He has, do you then think He’s going to throw that all away 
by not taking care of you here?

The Holy Spirit gives us confidence to know that God will provide for every 
need of life.  The Holy Spirit does this by bringing us to see God the Father 
working His will through His Son, Jesus Christ.  When we realize that, Jesus on 
the cross becomes more simply a death; it becomes a life-giving act of God.  
Jesus in His Word, then, becomes more than just information; it becomes that 
which creates spiritual life within us.  Jesus in His Sacraments, then, become 
more than something we’re supposed to do, they become channels of forgiveness, 
life, and grace.  

When this happens, when the Holy Spirit moves you to understand how God meets 
all of your eternal needs in Christ Jesus, then you treasure every single word 
of God as more precious than anything ever created!  Then, you will be set free 
from the idolatry of your own sinful heart! 

Jesus teaches us that He will provide for every need by having us learn from 
the greater to the lesser.  If the greater is true, then the lesser is also 
true.  And what’s the greater truth?  It’s that God provides for all creation, 
the birds of the air, and the lilies of the field.  And if God can do that, He 
can provide for you.  

But there’s a greater truth for you, as well.  It’s not that God just takes 
care of all creation; He also takes care of your eternity.  It’s that Jesus 
earned eternal life for you by His perfect life, death, and resurrection. 

So then, what’s the lesser truth if God has taken care of your greatest need?  
It’s that God will take care of you here--all so you may live with Him in 
eternity.  God has given you the greater gift: His one-and-only Son.  So, He 
will also give you the lesser gift, of meeting your daily, earthly needs. 

When you value the treasures of God’s kingdom more than your money, your job, 
your home, and all your stuff, God will make sure that you are eternally rich.  
For God’s riches are so plentiful that even when you give them away, you still 
have them.  Indeed, God guarantees the riches in His kingdom, so don’t worry 
about losing them.  Let God do the worrying!

Worry is rooted in doubt.  Doubt is unbelief.  It’s idolatry.  But God has a 
cure for such false faith.  He replaces it with true faith.  That’s why Jesus 
calls you to seek the righteousness of God’s kingdom that is yours by faith.  
And where do you receive God’s righteousness?  Here, in the Divine Service.  
That’s why you come to the Divine Service--not just when it’s convenient--but 
whenever you possibly can!  

You need God’s Word in your life.  For, from it, faith ever springs and lives 
anew.  And wherever faith breathes deeply, worry withers and recedes.  So why 
worry?  There’s no point.  Your heavenly Father knows what you need, and He 
loves you. 

Don’t you know by now?  You are worth more far more than sparrows or lilies.  
He loves you fully, so much that He even counts the hairs on your head.  Unlike 
the people around you, you never tire, frustrate, or bore Him.  He is ever 
faithful, true, merciful, and kind.  He is the Lord who provides.  

Did you notice how Jesus described how God’s people involve themselves in His 
kingdom?  He said, “First, seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”  
This isn’t complicated.  Jesus doesn’t say to seek your own righteousness, does 
He?  Jesus tells you to seek God’s righteousness, not your own.  And God’s 
righteousness isn’t the righteous deeds that you do; no, it’s the righteous 
deeds that Jesus did--and does--for you. 

So, to seek out God’s righteousness is to be to where Jesus gives you the 
fruits of His innocent life, death, and resurrection.  It’s to discard all 
reliance on your own goodness.  It’s to put on Christ, as you first did when 
you were baptized.  It’s to find yourself vested in Christ’s royal robe of 
righteousness, with a beauty that covers all of your sin and makes you a 
precious saint of God!

So, come now and receive this righteousness robe.  Come and receive Jesus 
Himself, in His Supper, for the forgiveness of your sins.  Eat the true Bread 
of Life and be joined to heaven.  And that will be sufficient for the day.  

Rich Futrell, Pastor
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Kimberling City, MO 

Where we receive and confess the faith of the Church (in and with the Augsburg 
Confession): The faith once delivered to the saints, the faith of Christ Jesus, 
His Word of the Gospel, His full forgiveness of sins, His flesh and blood given 
and poured out for us, and His gracious gift of life for body, soul, and 

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