The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost


Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! 
Amen! In today’s Epistle, God draws a connection between His gift of marriage 
and His gift of salvation. God uses marriage as an analogy or a picture of our 
salvation. God says,

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for 
her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water 
with the word, so that He might present the church to Himself in splendor, 
without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without 
blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. 
He who loves his wife loves himself. 

Dear Christian friends,

Every person here today—except for the youngest among us—every person here 
today has probably heard something about our nation’s ongoing debate over the 
definition of marriage. Should marriage be defined as the legal union of one 
man and one woman, or should other definitions be equally accepted, such as the 
legal union of two adult men, or the legal union of two adult women? (By the 
way, it is only a matter of time before new definitions of marriage get pressed 
beyond the current possibilities of man-man, or woman-woman.)

Some people would argue that it does not matter what you believe about 
marriage, so long as you keep your mouth shut and do not impose your beliefs on 
other people. You think what you want to think and do what you want to do—and 
you let me do the same.

Part of me likes that idea. If Christians could keep their mouths shut about 
marriage, we would be spared a lot of discomfort, at least in the short run. We 
would not need to suffer the insult of being called such things as backward or 
legalistic or fundamentalist or hypocritical.

Yes, hypocritical. Our nation’s debate over marriage exposes each of us 
Christians to accusations of hypocrisy—and the accusations are undeniable. How 
dare we speak in defense of marriage when we Christians ourselves so routinely 
assault marriage in our words and in our actions?

Hardly a Christian gathered here today has been untouched—unharmed—by the 
murderous scandal of divorce. But divorce is just the tip of the iceberg:

•       What about the things that so often set the stage for divorce—the 
selfish actions and the hurtful words; the unforgiven and bitter memories; the 
unresolved conflicts and the erosion of affection?

•       What about wandering eyes, even when no action gets taken? (Matthew 
5:28) For that matter, what about the destructive and grievous actions that get 

•       What about male chauvinism and what about feminism? These two equally 
terrible diseases are rooted deeply even in Christian hearts and minds. Answer 
me this: Why do so many Christian men chuckle nervously—and so many Christian 
women cross their arms or roll their eyes—when God flatly says, “Wives, submit 
to your own husbands as to the Lord?” It is because our thoughts and desires 
have been soiled with sin.

(As an aside: some of you may be thinking, “My marriage is in good shape. I am 
guilty of nothing.” Some of you others may be thinking, “Marriage has nothing 
to do with me. I am single or I am too young or my spouse has already departed 
this life.” What you need to be thinking is this: “We are the body of Christ. 
We are all in this together. My fellow sinners need me just as much as I need 
them. When one part of the body is injured, the entire body feels the pain. I 
personally might not have fallen in the specific manner that my fellow 
Christians have fallen, but we are all equally sinful, equally full of death, 
equally desperate for the forgiveness that Christ has earned on His cross. 
God’s Christians stand and fall together! God’s Christians confess the faith of 
the Church together!”) 

Because of our guilt concerning marriage (both personal and collective), we 
Christians seem to be in NO position to speak in defense of marriage. Yet SPEAK 
WE MUST. By all means, we should double and triple our efforts to preserve 
God’s gift of marriage among us! Without a doubt, we must confess and repent of 
the ways we ourselves have done damage to this highest and best relationship 
that God has created for our blessing! But even if we fail in our best 
efforts—as we so often fail in so many ways—we must nevertheless speak. 

•       We Christians must insist that marriage is a high and holy office—even 
when we ourselves end up misusing or destroying the marriage God has given to 

•       We must confess that God gave us a good gift when He created 
marriage—even if our entire nation should plug its ears to such a confession of 

•       We must believe that God created marriage by joining a man to his 
wife—and we must hold this faith even when marriage finally gets defined as 
something other than one man legally united to one woman.

Marriage is not merely a relationship. Marriage is a picture of our Lord’s love 
and mercy toward His Christians. Marriage is one of God’s highest and best 
evangelism tools. God uses marriage as an analogy or a picture of the salvation 
that our Lord Jesus created through His sacrifice on the cross. God says,

•       Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church;

•       Husbands, love your wives, as Christ …gave Himself up for her;
•       Husbands, love your wives, as Christ… sanctified [His bride the 
church], having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that He 
might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any 
such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. 

When a man is legally united with a woman, God uses husband and wife to create 
a picture of the Christ who loves His dear Church more than His very own life. 
“Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her.” 

If a man were to be legally united with another man, such a union would depict 
a false image. Essentially, such a union would depict Christ as if He loved 
Himself the most. But our Christ does not love Himself the most. Our Christ 
Jesus loves you the most and me the most and HE GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR US, 
forgiving us every sin—including our every sin against His gift of marriage.

So, too: if a woman were legally united with another woman, such a union would 
also depict a false image. Essentially, such a union would be a picture of the 
Church who loves herself even more than her Christ Jesus. Stated another way, 
if you re-define marriage as man-man or woman-woman, you end up turning 
marriage into a picture of self-idolatry.

It is probably not fair to describe the situation of marriage in our nation as 
a debate, so much as a violent shove in the wrong direction. The only thing now 
needed for the total redefinition of marriage in our nation is time.

We Christians may nevertheless give thanks and praise to our merciful and 
loving God, despite every windstorm that should swirl around us. The value of 
marriage is for us, not the opportunity for a moral victory; but rather, 
marriage is for us the confession of the one true faith. In this faith we are 
already saved. In this faith we are eternally preserved and fully protected by 
the Christ who “gave Himself up for [us], that He may sanctify [us], having 
cleansed [us] by the washing of water with the Word.” Because Christ is our 
husband and because the Church is His bride, we now have nothing to lose. 

We have nothing to lose in this losing debate over marriage in our nation, but 
we do have something to gain.

•       We have nothing to lose because Christ already lost His life for us, 
gaining all things for us by the power of His resurrection. In Him you live and 
move and have your being (Acts 17:28). Jesus can no longer die, and neither can 
you! For that reason, each of us can confidently confess that we have nothing 
to lose.

•       We have nothing to lose in this marriage debate, but we have our 
neighbor to gain. Where some will ignore and mock our confession of faith 
concerning marriage, others—perhaps only a few—others will listen. God willing, 
those few could even be snatched from the fire (Jude 23).

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