/You heard that it was said to the ancient ones, "you will not murder"; and whoever murders will be guilty in the court. And I Myself say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother, guilty he will be in the court; and whoever says to his brother, "empty-head" guilty he will be in the Sanhedrin; and whoever says "fool" guilty he will be into the hell of fire. If ever, then, you are presenting your gift upon the altar, and there, remember your brother has something against you, leave there your gift before the Altar and go; be reconciled to your brother, and then coming, you present your gift. Befriend your opponent quickly, while you are with him on the way, that your opponent not deliver to the Judge, to the officer, and into the prison you will be cast. Amen, I say to you, no, you will not come out of there, until you have given back the last coin. You heard that it was said "You will not commit adultery". Yet I Myself say to you that every one looking on a woman to lust for her already has adulterated her in his heart. And if your right eye causes you to fall into a deathtrap, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is advantageous to you so that one of your members be destroyed and not your whole body cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to fall into a deathtrap, cut it off and throw it from you. For it is advantageous to you so that one of your members be destroyed and not your whole body go into hell./

Last Sunday, Jesus told us that our righteousness must be greater than that of the bible-experts, the scribes and pharisees. Today, we hear Jesus describe just what that righteousness should look like. It's not enough to avoid killing folks. You can't even call them names. It's not enough to manage your debt. You must be reconciled to your creditors. It's not enough to not cheat on your spouse. You can't even look with a lustful heart. It's not enough to avert divorce. You shouldn't view them as adulterers.

Avoiding sin is not easy; it's impossible. Yet you want to see yourself as a "law-keeper", comparing yourself to scoundrels to feel a bit better in comparison; but you aren't. According to God's Law, you're a poor, miserable sinner. You've called people names, so you are a murderer. You have lusted for people, so you are an adulterer. You sit in judgment of others so you now stand condemned.

This problem of your sin is a whole lot bigger than you thought! It consumes you. You sin a lot, every day. You do what you want, not even considering if God has a different plan, or if other people in your life have needs. You might want to think, my sins are just small peccadillos compared to other people, but God sees your sin differently. He sees it as a scandal, as a death-trap into which you have fallen, and you can't get yourself out. The wages of your sin is death; from that death-trap you need rescue.

So you hear Jesus' words and think, "He tells me how I can fix myself!"*If* your eye caused you to lust you could just pluck it out and stop sinning. But look around. None of us has done that. *If* your hand caused you to hurt or steal, you could just cut it off and stop sinning. But none of us has done that either. That's because your eye has no ideas of its own. Your hand has no desires of its own. .

But there is one part of your body that does have such evil lusts, hatred, and coveting. That evil body member is your heart. So, now, altogether, let's take out knives and remove our sin-producing hearts! That will do the trick, right? What? You're not excited about that task? You can't live without your heart? Yeah, that is a big problem with this plan. And yet your sin-sick heart needs removing...

Notice how Jesus doesn't tell us to cut out our own hearts. That's because it's not our job. None of us is a heart surgeon. But Jesus is the great Physician. He can perform the one and only heart transplant that you need. Guess what? He has already done it. Jesus has performed a circumcision of your heart at your baptism. He cut out your old sin-sick heart and removed it from you at the font. It, with all of your sins, is nailed to Jesus on the + where He bears your sin & it's punishment on the cursed tree.

But Jesus doesn't leave you heart-less. He creates in you a clean heart, and puts a right Spirit, His Own Holy Spirit within it! This new heart transplanted in you is none other than the heart of Jesus Himself. His holy, righteous, pure, and sin-free heart is given to you in trade for your old evil heart. Jesus takes your heart as His own, bearing the shame, guilt and punishment you deserved for your sinning. He gives his sinless heart as your own, a clean place for the Spirit to dwell & give you faith.

Because of your sin, you problem is the death-trap of everlasting condemnation in hell. But Jesus is your solution: He gave His body unto death at Calvary, and He willingly shed His blood for you on the + for your forgiveness. You eat this same body & drink this blood today for your life and salvation! Amen.

John C. Drosendahl, Pastor

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