*Then Jesus was led up into the desert by the Spirit to be tried by the
devil. And having fasted 40 days & 40 nights afterward He hungered. And
having come toward, the tempter said to Him, "If You are Son of God, speak
so that these stones become bread." But He, answering said, "It has been
written, `Not upon bread alone will mankind live, but upon every saying
coming forth through God's mouth.'" Then the devil takes Him along into the
holy city and stands Him on the highest point of the temple and says to
Him, "If You are Son of God, throw Yourself down, for it is written that,
"to His angels He will give orders concerning You", and "Upon hands they
will bear You up, that You not strike against as stone Your foot." Jesus
said to him, "Again it has been written,`You will not test the Lord, your
God.'" Again, the devil takes Him along into a very high mountain and shows
Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him,
"These all I will give to You, if ever, having fallen down, You worship
me." Then Jesus says to Him, "Begone, Satan! for it has been written, `The
Lord your God you will worship, and to Him only will you serve.'" Then the
devil lets go of Him, and look angels came forward and ministered to Him.*

The devil is a tempter, and, well, he tempts. He tempted Jesus, and he puts
you to the test as well. But you are protected with the armor of God, from
the helmet of salvation on your head to the boots of readiness for the
gospel on your feet. Yet you have no armor for your back...and this is by
design. For God has given you to hold your ground against Satan, and to
take your stand against His temptations. This means you don't get to turn
your back and run away as a coward. It means you stay and fight with the
only weapon you have...

So the devil attacks you where you are most vulnerable, just as he did to
Jesus. After 960 straight hours with nothing to eat or drink, Satan tempted
Jesus to give up the fast. When you, as well, hunger for those things you
shouldn't, the tempter is right there to pounce on you too. He knows your
sinful desires, the things you covet, the people for whom you lust, the
gossip that perks up your ears, and the hurts you want to repay.

Jesus unsheathes His one weapon against the devil's first temptation,
refusing food and choosing to live only on the words that come from His
Father's mouth. You too have a Word who satisfies your hunger & quenches
your thirst. Jesus is that Word made flesh Who makes Himself your Bread of
Life, feeding you with His body given into innocent suffering & death, and
shedding His blood for your forgiveness, for you to drink. Your answer to
Satan tempting you with your own wants is that Jesus is God's Word Who
satisfies all your needs in communion!

Satan also attacks you much like he provoked Jesus the 2nd time, with
questions of faith. From the pinnacle of the Temple, the tempter coaxes
Jesus to jump, calling into question the Savior's trust in His Father's
protection. Your trust in God is likewise challenged by the devil. "If God
really loved you, would he have let this awful thing happen in your life?"
"Can you really trust a God who lets bad things happen to you?" Of course,
Satan wants you to answer these from your doubts, with a "no"...

Jesus again brandishes His one means of counter attack to this 2nd
temptation, reminding the devil that God's word says not to test the Lord.
For questioning faith is actually challenging the Author and Finisher of
the faith Himself. For it was God Who brought you to faith in Him in the
1st place. He called you to believe from the day of your baptism, working
the gift of faith in your heart. You were cleansed that day, made holy to
belong to God's heavenly household. Your sins washed to the + where Jesus
bore them in your stead unto His death. Your answer to Satan questioning
your faith is to tell him, "I am baptized into Christ!"

The tempter attacks you much like he did putting Jesus to the test the 3rd
time, offering worldly glory. The nasty prince of this sin-sick world
offered Jesus all the earth's kingdoms. While he doesn't offer you quite
that much, Satan does place before you the accolades of this world, so that
you will do sinful things that earn the people's praise. "Everybody does
it, so you'll fit right in with us if you give in and do it too!"

Jesus once more takes the Sword of the Spirit, lashing out against the
devil's 3rd temptation of fleeting glory. He makes it clear He will give no
honor to the devil or to anything in his corrupt world. His service is to
God the Father alone, so that all may be to the Father's glory! The whole
of the Divine Service in which we worship today is to the same glory of
God. Not that all about you singing "Our God is an Awesome God", but that
He glorify His Own name by saving you, by forgiving your sins & by blessing
you with eternal life for Jesus' sake!

Satan keeps tempting you with your wants, with your weakness of faith &
with your desire for glory. But at your disposal is the 1 weapon that
always cuts Him to the quick-the sword of the Word of God. For it says you
are baptized into Christ; it says you are fed with His body & blood; and it
says you are proclaimed "forgiven" in His name! The Word washed you as it
was combined with water; the Word is the gospel of Jesus' very love
preached to you; the Word makes simple bread & wine to be Christ's body &
blood for you. The Word made flesh, Jesus, is your weapon who defeats the
devil, once and for all!  Amen!

John C. Drosendahl, Pastor
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