"Has God Really Said?"
First Sunday in Lent
March 9, 2014
Matthew 4:1-11

He was there. He saw it all. And he was listening. He is a very good
listener. Better than you and I are. He was there, listening as God
was speaking to Adam.

I give you everything. It's all yours. All that I have created is for
you and your benefit. There's one thing I reserve, the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil. This I withhold from you for your benefit.

He heard all of this and he was listening intently as God spoke it to
Adam. Adam didn't know he was there. Adam couldn't see him, but he was

We see in the Genesis account that God was speaking to Adam but it's
not expressly stated that Satan was present. But we know he was there.
And he was listening. He let each word of God sink deeply into his
soul. Satan knows how to listen. He takes every word God says
seriously. He knows what it means better than we do.

We know he was there and we know he was listening because he quoted
God when he spoke to Eve. Has God really said? Satan cares deeply
about the Word of God because he wants to use it for the opposite
purpose for which God uses it. That's why the devil is so intent on
listening to every word that comes from the mouth of God. He needs to
hear God's word so that he can then twist it ever so slightly in order
to plant doubt into our mind.

There was another occasion. Nobody could see him, but he was there.
The crowds were watching Jesus being Baptized by John. Satan couldn't
be seen, but he was present. And he was listening. He listened to the
word the Father spoke of His Son. He heard every word: "This is My
beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." The crowds heard the voice.
They saw the Spirit descending as a dove. But they didn't see Satan.
But he was there, listening.

We don't spend much time thinking about the power Satan has. And we
never ought to ascribe more to Satan than what the Bible does. At the
same time, we also never ought to downplay what the Bible shows us of
him. Satan is a fallen angel. He has power you and I don't have. He is
a spiritual being, as are the angels, able to move throughout time and
space without being bound by time and space. Thus angels appear in
forms accessible to us, such as Gabriel did when he appeared to Mary
or such as in a vision to Joseph. Angels are powerful beings. They are
soldiers who work for us on God's behalf. But Satan and the fallen
angels, the demons, they are the enemy soldiers. They seek us out in
order to destroy. And so Satan was right there to act toward Adam and
Eve's downfall. He was right there in the wilderness to try to make
Jesus fall.

The Bible teaches that faith is an utter trust and belief in the
Triune God. This is where Adam and Eve fell miserably short. One thing
was withheld from them and it is the one thing they lusted after. It
was readily apparent to them that all things were at their disposal!
And that is no hyperbole; all things, freely given them by God. They
truly had it all.

Satan knew this. How could he top that? How could he entice Adam and
Eve with anything better than that? Well, he heard God's word to them.
There's no better way to undo God's word than to take that very word
and twist it.

Has God really said? Did God say you can't eat of any tree of the
Garden? Now, I know God loves you, after all, look at everything He
has given you! But could it be that He's holding out on you? Is there
any good reason you can't truly have it all? After all, if you eat of
that tree He has withheld from you--and just let that sink in for a
moment, what reason could there be for Him to keep anything from
you?--if you eat from that tree, and you have to admit, it looks really
good and juicy, God knows that you will be just like Him. You'll know
everything, just like Him. Now maybe it's just me, but it sounds like
God is keeping all that for Himself, and maybe, just maybe, He doesn't
love you as much as He has let on.

God had called Adam and Eve to trust in Him. Instead, they listened to
Satan. What about you? What will it be? Will it be faith? Or will it
be what you see, which when you really look at it, doesn't look nearly
so great as God has made it out to be. You look at your life, your
circumstances, the difficulties, the failings, the letdowns. Your life
as a Christian in this life is not exactly paradise. Has God really
said He gives you all things? Has He really said He is with you in
everything? Could it be rather that God is holding out on you? What
will it be? Will it be holding firmly to God's Word, no matter the
circumstances, no matter how much things may look like they're not as
great as God has led you to believe? Or will it be listening to those
enticing words of Satan in which he masterfully uses God's very own
words and twists them to induce you to doubt?

It is stark irony that the one eternally opposed to God and His Word
is the most intent listener of it. Satan not only is opposed to God,
but to you. The Bible is clear, Satan desires and is intent on your
downfall. And perhaps in even greater irony, the Bible teaches that
Satan believes. He knows who God is. He knows God better than you do.
He has perfect understanding of who God is.

The Bible says that he believes, but he shudders. He believes, he has
this clear knowledge of God, but he does not have faith in God. He
does not look to Him for all good. Satan is his own god. He is
eternally damned and he wants you to suffer with him eternally. He is
always there, unseen, to tempt you as he did with Adam and Eve. He
will use his most potent weapon, God's very own Word, and twist it in
order to get you to doubt God's very own Word.

Has God really said, "You are My beloved son or daughter in Baptism?"
Could that be true when He so often leaves you to struggle and suffer?
Could it really be true if you still are wracked with so much guilt
about those things you have left undone and have not rectified?

Has God really said, "My forgiveness separates your sin from you as
far as the east is from the west," when He keeps coming at you with
His Law and condemning you as a sinner? Does God really love you if He
keeps bringing up that you are by nature sinful and unclean and that
in thought, word, and deed you sin against Him?

Has God really said, "This is My body, given for you, and this is My
blood, given for you," when clearly it could be nothing more than mere
bread and wine? Has He really said, "This is for you, for the
forgiveness of your sin," when clearly you can't be forgiven in a mere

Satan despises the Word of God and that is what makes Him listen so
tenaciously to it. If only we listened to God's Word as intently as
Satan does! Satan despises it and so he twists it in any way he can to
try to undo it. Sadly, we so often fall into the enticement of Satan
instead of clinging tenaciously to God's Word.

To all of Satan's temptations, do as Jesus did in the Gospel reading.
Every time he says to you, "Has God really said?", trying to introduce
doubt of God's Word, respond not with your own words, but with God's
own words. Don't listen to Satan's twisting of them. Take them as what
they actually say.

When you are tempted to doubt if you are really God's son or daughter,
respond to Satan, Yes, I know it's true. God said it, I believe it. I
am Baptized, I am a child of the Most High God, the Creator of the
universe and my Lord and Savior. I know Jesus died for every sin I
have committed and I know the Holy Spirit has delivered that
forgiveness and salvation to me in Baptism. Satan, you can't touch me,
you can't undo God's Word, and you certainly can't do better than it.

When the threat of despair comes because you keep falling and
stumbling, because you sometimes give Satan a foothold, say to him,
Yes, I know I am weak, and I know I fall into sin. But I know God
forgives me of every sin, because He calls men I can see and hear to
proclaim it to me and to announce to me, "In the stead and by the
command of my Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive you all of your sins, in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." I know
it's true because those men aren't acting on their own, as you are,
Satan. They are speaking by God's command and in His stead. The words
they speak are as sure and certain as if Christ my Lord dealt with me

When you begin to wonder how it could really be true that simple bread
and wine deliver to you the very body and blood of your dear Lord,
throw into Satan's face the simple, clear, and direct words of your
dear Lord Jesus Christ: "Take and eat, this is My body, given for you.
Take and drink, this is My blood, shed for you for the forgiveness of
all your sins." These words, Satan, are spoken directly to me, and you
can never change them. You can try to twist them or cause me to wonder
how it is possible that Christ actually comes to me with His body and
blood, but you can't change what is. What is is what my Lord Jesus
Christ has spoken. He is who I will listen to. He is who I will trust.
He is who gives me life. You are forever damned, I am forever saved.

Has God really said? This is what Satan said to Jesus. Has He really
said You are His Son? "If you are the Son of God, command these stones
to become loaves of bread." Jesus--unlike Adam and Eve, unlike us--saw
right through Satan's lie. He used the word of God, but he twisted it.
This is temptation, and Jesus answered Satan, "It is written, 'Man
shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the
mouth of God.' 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.' 'You
shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.'"

Three times Jesus shot back with the Word of God. The last time Jesus
added this word along with it: "Be gone, Satan!" Satan was defeated.
He knew it. He would show up again, when he would bruise the heal of
Jesus, Jesus Himself suffering under the forces of darkness in being
betrayed and crucified. But Satan knew. He had heard that word of God:
He will crush your head. He had heard that word from the mouth of
Jesus, God Himself, and the Father's beloved Son: Be gone, Satan!

Has God really said? Yes, Satan, yes He has. And to that we say, "Amen."


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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