/And going along, He (Jesus) saw a person blind out of birth. And His disciples were asking Him, saying, "My Great One, who sinned, this one or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, neither this one sinned nor his parents, but so that the works of God be shown in him. It's necessary for us to work the works of the One Who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one is able to work. Whenever I'm in the world, I am a light of the world." Having said these things He spat to the ground and made mud out of the spit and anoints the mud upon his eyes and He said to him, "You go, wash in the Siloam pool (which is translated: "sent on a mission"). Then he went away and washed and returned, seeing!... They bring him to the Pharisees, the one once blind. And it was a Sabbath in the day Jesus made the mud and opened his eyes. Again, then, the Pharisees were also asking him how he sees again. And he said to them, "He put mud upon my eyes and I washed and I see." Then, some of the Pharisees were saying, "This person is not from God because the Sabbath He does not guard." And others were saying, "How does a person, a sinner have ability to do such signs?" And there was division among them. They say, then, to the blind man again, "What do you say concerning him, because he opened your eyes?" And he said, "That he is a prophet"...They answered and said to him, "In sin you were wholely born, and do you teach us?" And they threw him out. Jesus heard that they threw him out and having found him, He said to him, "Do you yourself believe in the Son of Man?"That one answered and said, "And who is he, Lord, in order that I may believe in him?" Jesus said to him, "You have both seen Him, and the one speaking with you, that One is He!" And he said, "I believe, Lord!" And he worshiped Him. And Jesus said, "Into judgement I Myself into this world came, so that the ones not seeing will see, and those seeing will become blind." /

You feel badly for this man, born blind. But don't think you are better off than he. You're just like him. Your eyes probably worked well, but you were born blind all the same. From your beginning, you were spiritually blind. You couldn't see Jesus as your Savior any more than this blind man...until Jesus revealed Himself as the Son of Man to him & he believed it. By faith alone you see Jesus your Savior.

You were born spiritually blind for the same reason this man was–in sin you were wholely born. Like David confesses in Psalm 51, in sin his mother conceived him. You too. Born a sinner, you were estranged from God your heavenly Father from the get-go. You needed a miracle to be able to see Jesus as your Savior. You could not by your own reason or strength believe in Jesus as your Lord.

But the Holy Ghost called you by the Gospel to faith. He said, "Jesus, your Lord & Savior died on the cross for you!" and your ears perked up. He said, "Look to the cross where Christ took your place & your punishment, all so you could have His place in heaven & the eternal rewards He earned." Then the eyes of your faith opened to see Jesus for the first time as both your Lord and your Savior!

Like this blind man, you have your rough patches in life too. You may not have lost eyesight, but you've had physical ailments, financial problems, relationship difficulties and other challenges to your faith. You might be tempted to think, "I must have offended God, now He's punishing me." You might wonder, "I've not done anywhere near the amount of good works God expects of me, and He's mad."

But your heavenly Father isn't mad at you or punishing you. For like that blind man you're washed... in your baptism. You are now holy & righteous in God's sight, because you are cleansed of all your sins, your filthy bath-water poured out on Jesus who became wholely-sinful in your place on the +. God has made you His Own baptized child, to see yourself as God now does through the eyes of your faith.

People who use their own notions about Jesus, get a not very accurate result. The pharisees used their own not-so-enlightened thinking, concluding Jesus was a sinner. The blind man figured Jesus was just a prophet. Your own seeking with regard to Jesus will never, ever lead you to the truth. No one seeks Jesus. You are lost sheep. You have no way of finding your way back to the fold.

Jesus the Good Shepherd seeks out lost sheep, just like He did for this formerly blind man. You don't have to come to him. He finds you. Jesus comes to you with His body given, and with His blood shed for you for your forgiveness. He feeds you with Himself in the Lord's Supper, comes to lead lost sheep to the green pasture of the feast of the Lord's Table–Holy Communion.

Your blindness is gone. No, not by mud in your eye like the blind man. But by a miracle nonetheless. Calling you to faith by the Gospel, the Holy Spirit has given you the eyes of faith, to recognize Jesus in His gracious works in word & sacrament. You see yourself by faith washed clean by the waters & words of your baptism. You view yourself as one who worships Jesus, bowing to the knee to eat His body and to drink His blood for your forgiveness, life and salvation. Amen.

John C. Drosendahl, Pastor

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