God’s Book of Titus
for Lent
Wednesday of Lent 5
to Good Works
mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen. In
the reading, God says that His dear Christians must be “careful to devote 
themselves to good works.”
Dear Christian friends,
God says two other things before He says “devote themselves to good works.” Both
of these things will help explain the meaning of these Words.
First, the reading began with the Words, “This is a trustworthy saying.” What 
is a
trustworthy saying? The saying you heard last week—the saying about Baptism—is 
trustworthy saying. It is absolutely reliable that God saved us
according to His own mercy, by
the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out
on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, etc. (Titus 3:5-7) 
saying is so trustworthy, so dependable, that you can build every aspect of
your entire life upon this one verse in God’s Bible.
Second, God
also says He WANTS you to build your life upon the security and the
trustworthiness of your Baptism. That is why it is written here, in verse eight,
“I want you to insist upon these things.”
It is as if God says, “Titus, I want you and all pastors to preach Baptism 
in your congregation. I want you continually to remind your Christians that I 
them clean and renew them on a daily basis (2 Corinthians 4:6). Your incessant
of Baptism will make My Christians confident; they will know that they can face
and do the things I require of them, all by the power of My baptismal Word to
them. The trustworthy saying about Baptism will make them feel secure in their
person, no matter where their office(s) might take them. The trustworthy saying
will assure them that they shall lose nothing in their person, no matter how
much their office requires of them. The trustworthy saying about Baptism will
relieve their fears concerning their person, so that they may be “careful to 
devote themselves to good works.”
·        When
God says to you, “I saved you by the washing
of regeneration and renewal,” He is speaking about your person. 
·        When
God says to you, “careful to devote
themselves to good works,” He is speaking about your office(s). 
·        God
holds your person ahead of your office. God holds your person complete and
secure in the strength of His grace. God says, “I saved you.” This is a 
trustworthy saying, and God says it to you
so that you will no longer worry about your person.
·        Whereas
God holds your person ahead of your office, He gives you the power and the
freedom to hold your office head of your person. The power given to your person
for the sake of your office is new every day. It is “the washing of 
regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit.”
·        God
never wants you to run out of strength and desire to do good works for your
neighbor through your office. That is why God has grabbed your pastor by the 
and said, “I want you to insist upon
these things.”
·        God
says that His dear Christians must be “careful
to devote themselves to good works.” In view of all that has gone before
these Words, perhaps we should think of them less of a command and more of an
assurance of everything that God Himself will continue to do for us and in us. 
have come to the end of God’s Book of Titus. Unfortunately, there are many
things written here that we have needed ignore and bypass. Perhaps we will
return to them on another day. To use the analogy of a cow, I have spent our
Lenten season squeezing hard on the two teets of person and office. If any milk
has squirted into your cup, it should be credited to God alone. 
“Grace be with you all.”
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