*Scripture: Joshua 10:1-25 (NKJV)*

1 Now it came to pass when Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heard how Joshua
had taken Ai and had utterly destroyed it—as he had done to Jericho and its
king, so he had done to Ai and its king—and how the inhabitants of Gibeon
had made peace with Israel and were among them, 2 that they feared greatly,
because Gibeon was a great city, like one of the royal cities, and because
it was greater than Ai, and all its men were mighty. 3 Therefore
Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem sent to Hoham king of Hebron, Piram king of
Jarmuth, Japhia king of Lachish, and Debir king of Eglon, saying, 4 “Come
up to me and help me, that we may attack Gibeon, for it has made peace with
Joshua and with the children of Israel.” 5 Therefore the five kings of the
Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth,
the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon, gathered together and went up,
they and all their armies, and camped before Gibeon and made war against it.

6 And the men of Gibeon sent to Joshua at the camp at Gilgal, saying, “Do
not forsake your servants; come up to us quickly, save us and help us, for
all the kings of the Amorites who dwell in the mountains have gathered
together against us.” 7 So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he and all the
people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valor. 8 And the LORD
said to Joshua, “Do not fear them, for I have delivered them into your
hand; not a man of them shall stand before you.” 9 Joshua therefore came
upon them suddenly, having marched all night from Gilgal. 10 So the LORD
routed them before Israel, killed them with a great slaughter at Gibeon,
chased them along the road that goes to Beth Horon, and struck them down as
far as Azekah and Makkedah. 11 And it happened, as they fled before Israel
and were on the descent of Beth Horon, that the LORD cast down large
hailstones from heaven on them as far as Azekah, and they died. There were
more who died from the hailstones than the children of Israel killed with
the sword.

12 Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the
Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel:
“Sun, stand still over Gibeon; And Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.” 13 So
the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the people had revenge upon
their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jasher? So the sun stood
still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a
whole day. 14 And there has been no day like that, before it or after it,
that the LORD heeded the voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel. 15
Then Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to the camp at Gilgal. 16
But these five kings had fled and hidden themselves in a cave at Makkedah.
17 And it was told Joshua, saying, “The five kings have been found hidden
in the cave at Makkedah.” 18 So Joshua said, “Roll large stones against the
mouth of the cave, and set men by it to guard them. 19 And do not stay
there yourselves, but pursue your enemies, and attack their rear guard. Do
not allow them to enter their cities, for the LORD your God has delivered
them into your hand.”

20 Then it happened, while Joshua and the children of Israel made an end of
slaying them with a very great slaughter, till they had finished, that
those who escaped entered fortified cities. 21 And all the people returned
to the camp, to Joshua at Makkedah, in peace. No one moved his tongue
against any of the children of Israel. 22 Then Joshua said, “Open the mouth
of the cave, and bring out those five kings to me from the cave.” 23 And
they did so, and brought out those five kings to him from the cave: the
king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of
Lachish, and the king of Eglon. 24 So it was, when they brought out those
kings to Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said to
the captains of the men of war who went with him, “Come near, put your feet
on the necks of these kings.” And they drew near and put their feet on
their necks. 25 Then Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid, nor be
dismayed; be strong and of good courage, for thus the LORD will do to all
your enemies against whom you fight.”


In verse 25 of our reading for today Joshua said to the Israelites, “Do not
be afraid, nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage, for thus the
Lord will do to all your enemies against whom you fight.” These words are
similar to ones the Lord spoke to Joshua when he took over the leadership
of God’s chosen people (Josh. 1:9). God’s promises are repeated again to
reassure His people that He remains faithful to all that He has promised.
He will, and does, continue to deliver His people from all evil.

In the Lord’s Prayer we pray as Jesus instructed us, “Deliver us from
evil.” Dr. Luther, in his explanation of this petition, says, “We pray in
this petition…that our Father in heaven would deliver us from every evil of
body and soul, possessions and reputation, and finally when our last hour
comes, give us a blessed end, and graciously take us from this valley of
sorrow to Himself in heaven.” And in the Conclusion he writes that the
“Amen” means “that I should be certain that these petitions are pleasing to
our Father in heaven, and are heard by Him; for He Himself has commanded us
to pray in this way and has promised to hear us. Amen, amen means ‘yes,
yes, it shall be so.’”

As surely as Joshua and the Old Testament Israelites had the victory over
their enemies, so too, we have the victory over sin, death, and Satan by
faith in Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord. Amen, Amen, it shall be so!

Rev. Dcn. Jerry Dulas, as eCourier of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of
North America
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