"The Shepherd and Overseer of Your Soul"
Third Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2015
John 10:11–16

"He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep."

Who is the hired hand who flees the sheep and cares nothing for them?
He is simply a worker. He’s doing his job to get paid, not because he
cares for the sheep. When the wolf comes he takes care of his own life
rather than the life of the sheep.

On the other hand, the shepherd is the one who cares for the sheep and
does not flee when the wolf comes. The shepherd saves the sheep.

The sheep are at the mercy of the hired hand. They seem to be fine
when he’s doing his job and taking care of them. But when the wolf
comes they are on their own. If they are being taken care of by a
hired hand they are not being taken care of at all and so are at the
mercy of the wolf. The wolf will come and snatch them and scatter

In a few verses Jesus shows what it means that He is our Shepherd. He
does this by contrasting Himself with a hired hand. A hired hand is
one who is not there for the sheep but for himself. He cares about his
own life and so will not truly care for the sheep. But Jesus is the
shepherd who is there for the sheep. He truly cares for them and truly
takes care of them. He’s not there because He has a job to do but
because He loves His sheep and saves them.

That is why the hired hand is just a hired hand. And it is why Jesus
is not just a hired hand and He’s not just a shepherd. He is the Good
Shepherd. He says twice in our Gospel reading, “I am the Good
Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” When
the wolf comes, He doesn’t flee. He doesn’t save His own life, He lays
down His life. He saves the life of the sheep.

The sheep are the ones who are at His mercy. Without Him saving them,
they are lost. They will be snatched up and scattered. They will be
lost, like sheep without a shepherd. In the Epistle reading Peter
quotes Isaiah, “you were straying like sheep.” Once you stray, you are
at the mercy of hired hands. You are at the mercy of the wolf. And
there is no mercy with a hired hand or the wolf. There is only being
left on your own and then snatched up and scattered. The hired hand is
there for himself, the wolf is there to destroy you.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd because He lays down His life for His
sheep. Where you will not find mercy in a hired hand or the wolf, you
will find it in your Good Shepherd, your Lord Jesus Christ. He loves
His sheep. He cares for His sheep. He lays down His life for His

Satan wants to snatch you up and scatter you. That way you cannot hear
the Gospel. If you are scattered then you cannot receive the receive
the forgiveness you need. The hired hand does not care about you. He
will feed you what fills your stomach. He will tell you what you want
to hear. Any pastor who does not tell you that you are like a sheep
who has strayed is a hired hand and cares nothing for you.

The word pastor itself means shepherd. A shepherd cares for his sheep
by feeding and protecting. He gives his sheep what they need, not just
what they want. He protects them even if they don’t think they need
protecting. A pastor who does not tell the people of God that they sin
and need to be forgiven is a hired hand who will flee when Satan comes
to snatch the people of God and scatter them.

We too often confuse caring for people with giving them what they
want. But someone is truly cared for when they receive what they truly
need. The hired hand will not warn the sheep of the coming of the
wolf, he’ll get out of there before the wolf is able to do any harm to
him. Pastors who do not truly care for the welfare of their flock are
ones who do not call their flock to repentance for their sin. If there
is no calling sin sin and no calling to repentance then there is no
forgiveness offered because the sheep are already scattered.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. When you are in His fold you are fed and
protected. You are receiving His forgiveness in His Gospel that is
proclaimed and in living in your Baptism and in hearing the
forgiveness of sins being pronounced to you in the Absolution and in
eating and drinking the bread and wine of His Meal in which He feeds
you Himself, His very body and blood for your forgiveness. You are fed
and nourished in this way, being forgiven and being strengthened in
your faith. You are protected from the evil one, the one who seeks to
snatch you and scatter you and destroy you.

The hired hand, the pastor who does not call you to repentance and
preach to you salvation in Christ alone, seeks not your life but his
own. Satan himself seeks only his own life and the destruction of your
own. It is Jesus who is the Good Shepherd. He lays down His life for
His sheep. He seeks not His own life but yours. Even though you are
like a sheep who has gone astray, He provides for you. He cares for
you by feeding you with His forgiveness and protecting you from the
evil one.

The stunning contrast between His being a true and loving shepherd and
one who is just there for himself is brought out in the Epistle
reading. Peter says that Christ “suffered for you.” He saw that Satan
snatches up and scatters, so He laid down His life for His sheep.
Peter says that “He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His
mouth. When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He
suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him
who judges justly. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree,
that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you
have been healed.”

He is the Good Shepherd. He is your Shepherd not for Himself but for
you. He gives His life so that you may have life. He who has no sin
has died for you who are full of sin. No deceit was found in His mouth
but He laid down His life for you who are full of deceit. He bore your
very sins in His body on the cross. He has laid down His life for you.
And in quoting Isaiah again, Peter says of Jesus your Shepherd who has
laid down His life for you, “by His wounds you have been healed.”

In this world you will fall prey to hired hands; those who seek to
convince you that your sin is not all that bad, that your sin does not
separate you from God, that you just need to be a good person. This is
why you need to continue to be fed and protected by one who is not a
hired hand. You need actual forgiveness for your actual sins. In your
thoughts and in your words and in your deeds you have strayed from
your Good Shepherd. But Peter says that now you have returned to the
Shepherd and Overseer of your soul.

Satan scatters. Jesus gathers. He brings you into His fold, the
Church, and He feeds you and protects you. In Baptism you were brought
into Him into His death and resurrection. He is, after all, your Good
Shepherd who has laid down His life for you. And in Baptism you have
been brought into this life with Him where He now feeds you and
protects you. In giving you food that is not only for your body but
also your soul, He guards you and strengthens you in the face of the
attacks of Satan. There is one flock and one shepherd and your Good
Shepherd feeds you at His Table in His Holy Supper. In giving you His
body and blood He forgives you and you return again and again to Him,
the Shepherd and Overseer of your soul. He is your Good Shepherd and
He has laid down His life for you so that you have life now and
forever. Amen.


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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