The Fourth Sunday of Easter 


Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior 
Jesus Christ! Jesus says in today’s Gospel, “There will be one flock, one 
shepherd.” Then Jesus explains that there is one flock and one shepherd for 
only one reason: Christ is risen! (He is risen, indeed!) Alleluia! “There will 
be one flock, one shepherd,” says the Lord. “For this reason the Father loves 
Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it up again.” 

Dear Christian friends, 

As you probably noticed from the churchyard, I am experimenting with raising 
sheep. While reading up on the topic, I learned that, if you take sheep from 
two different flocks and release them together into one pasture, they will not 
mix very well. Each flock will remain its own little corner, keeping as much 
distance from the other flock as possible. Perhaps they feel prejudiced toward 
one another on account of their breed. Perhaps they simply don’t feel 
comfortable with starting a conversation and would prefer to stare at their 
cell phones. 

You do that same distance-keeping thing, and so do I. Familiarity provides a 
certain level of comfort, and even if it is false comfort, and there is always 
some risk involved in exposing yourself to the unknown. We Christians are 
simply too sinful and too powerless to overcome our inborn barriers. Even if we 
do, there is a good chance the other guy will not. Besides, God’s apostle Paul 
almost made it sound as though division and disunity in the church are a 
blessing: “There must be factions among you,” said Paul, “in order that those 
who are genuine among you may be recognized” (1 Corinthians 11:19). If I were 
to ask all the genuine Christians to please raise their hand, I wonder how many 
people would not. 

Throughout His Scriptures, Jesus repeatedly describes His dear Christians as 
sheep. It was not intended to be a compliment. As one fellow pastor stated it, 
sheep specialize in finding ways to die. In comparison, everything about us 
eventually reduces to death, too. Solomon complained that it does not matter 
whether you are a wise person or a fool: either way, the road will still end in 
the same place (Ecclesiastes 2:14). 

Jesus says “There will be one flock, one shepherd” and if we Christians are 
really good at anything, it would be our undying commitment to proving Jesus 
wrong. The last thing we want is “one flock, one shepherd.” Refusal to admit it 
might simply hasten the slaughter. “One flock and one shepherd” is written in 
the Scriptures, but “many flocks and many shepherds” is acted out in the 
everyday life of the Christian church on earth. 

1.      We can blame false teaching, and that is as good a starting place as 
any. Some Christians simply refuse to believe the Words of Jesus. This section 
of the Scripture says things they do not want to here; that Bible verse does 
not seem to fit their way of thinking; another Bible verse there requires them 
to act differently than they want to act, and yet another Bible verse does not 
seem to be very relevant to today. When we refuse to believe the Words of 
Jesus, we are left with our own words instead. That is what false teaching is: 
replacing God’s Words with our own. False teaching creates false hope. False 
teaching calls God a liar and it does so with a smile. False teaching divides 
Christians, one from another. False teaching makes it impossible for us to see 
with our eyes what Jesus has said with His mouth: “There will be one flock, one 
shepherd.” False teaching also tends to be about the other guy. We Lutherans 
might have become so convinced that we have it right that maybe some of us have 
stopped thinking about it. We should change our minds about that. By no means 
is the work of our theology done. There are too many children to train and too 
many people across the back fence who need to hear “the good news about Jesus” 
(Acts 8:35). 

2.      Even if we should leave the doctrinal problems to the professionals, 
disunity and division are equally evident the ways we each act. We Christians 
routinely do unloving things to one another, even in the name of service to God 
(John 16:2), and these unloving things motivate our division. Words form too 
quickly; selfish habits die too slowly; high school style cliques gather too 
naturally; and personal agendas grow too righteously. Sin for Christians is as 
natural as a sheep stepping off a cliff and into a ravine. 

When we teach the children to sing, “I am Jesus’ Little Lamb” (LSB 740), we are 
really just teaching them to keep their eyes focused upon Jesus, their Good 
Shepherd. That is the point of being called sheep: that we would look at the 
Shepherd. In today’s Gospel, Jesus says a lot of comforting things about being 
our Good Shepherd. Jesus says here, 

•       “The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” These Words 
certainly speak about your Lord’s dying—and by His stripes you are healed. But 
your Good Shepherd does not serve you merely by His death. Christ is risen! (He 
is risen, indeed!) Alleluia! Your risen Lord Jesus now lays down His life for 
you, not in dying again, but in daily service and in full time commitment to 
you, for your forgiveness, for your protection, for your comfort and for your 
peace. In the Holy Communion, our Lord Jesus comes to us—our gentle Shepherd 
among us—and we are talking about the presence of the living Christ, knowing 
that death no longer holds mastery over Him! 

•       “I know My own and My own know Me.” When Jesus says, “I know My own,” 
He means that He knows your devils and He knows your deeds. Yet even knowing 
these things, the Good Shepherd nevertheless came to you to stay with you, 
fully prepared to bleed. 

•       “And I have other sheep that are not of this fold,” says the Lord. “I 
must bring them also.” These Words of Jesus mean life for you and life for me. 
The love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord is so great, so all-encompassing that 
our Good Shepherd was not content merely to save that tiny flock of believers 
who were first present when these Words were first spoken. Jesus claims to be 
the Shepherd of “other sheep,” too, beyond those of His first gathering and His 
first fold. You and I are Jesus’ other sheep, and our Good Shepherd lives now 
to gather us in and make us His own. The holy Christian Church is the one and 
only place upon the face of earth where these Words of Jesus come to 
fulfillment with joyous repetition: “I must bring them also, and they will 
listen to My voice.” 

•       “So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” With these Words, Jesus 
teaches us not to believe the things we see with our eyes. Everywhere we look 
on earth, the eye is filled with dissention, division, and decade. Yet the holy 
Church belongs to the Good Shepherd, and He claims full responsibility for 
gathering us together as one. Unity, indeed, has come at the price of the Good 
Shepherd’s blood: There will be one flock, one shepherd,” says the Lord. “For 
this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it 
up again.” Christ is risen! (He is risen, indeed!) Alleluia! 

Because Christ is risen, we Christians have reason to hope. WE DO NOT NEED TO 
HOPE FOR WHAT MIGHT BE. God in His Christ has given us hope in what is. Jesus 
the Good Shepherd died and rose again, in accordance with these Words, “I lay 
down My life that I may take it up again.” In this laying down and in this 
taking up again, everything is now radically different than it would seem: 

•       Where there is only sin visible, Jesus has worked forgiveness and 

•       Where we see only death, Jesus lives with His gift of life; 

•       Where there is only disunity and division evident everywhere in the 
church, the Church is nevertheless holy; the Church is nevertheless unified; 
the Church is nevertheless fully incorporated into the living body of Christ. 

These things are so because Jesus our Good Shepherd says they are so.
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