"The Law—simple, yet profound"
Ash Wednesday
Commemoration of Silas, Fellow Worker of Peter and Paul
February 10, 2016
Matthew 22:37–40

During Lent we will contemplate the Gospel. The Gospel is simple. What
could be more simple? God loves us and He saves us. There is no need
to make the Gospel difficult. No need to add to it or complicate it.
It is simple. It is exactly what it appears. It is the love of God in
His Son for sinners. The Gospel is simple.

And yet, the Gospel is profound. Something doesn’t need to be
complicated to be profound. It is doesn’t need to be difficult to
understand to be profound. It is simple, it is what it appears to be.
And yet, there is more to it than meets the eye. It is deep and rich
and profound. The love of God is vast. The love of God is profound.

The Gospel is the answer to what plagues us. Guilt is the order of the
day. The apostle Paul almost despaired of this fact, “Oh, wretched man
that I am.” If there’s any day that has a pulse on the guilt we own it
is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is a fitting beginning to the season
of Lent. Lent is a time of repentance, of contemplation of our sin and
our guilt. Of our inability, and even resistance, to love the will of
God rather than the desires of our own sinful flesh.

Yes, Ash Wednesday goes right to the heart of things, and it does so
by going for the jugular. If you saw the Super Bowl commercial with
Helen Mirren lambasting those who drink and drive you got a sense of
the direct rebuke of the Law upon someone who is guilty. I was joking
after Bible Class yesterday that preachers can learn from Helen Mirren
on how to preach the Law. But I was only half joking. If you haven’t
seen the commercial, go online and watch it and see if you can do so
without squirming a little, whether you’re guilty of that crime or
not. I once witnessed in a courtroom a judge who blasted out the
defendent on what kind of behavior he expected of her and I was
convicted, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong!

This is the way the Law of God works. The Law is simple. It tells you
exactly what God’s will is. It shows you that you shall have no other
gods because there is nothing good in anyone or anything else for
eternal life with Him. The Law of God is His perfect, holy will. When
presented to us, though, we are shown our guilt. The Law is as simple
as that, it shows us our sin and our guilt. Hopefully at least one
person who drinks and drives was convicted by that tirade from Helen
Mirren. Hopefully at least one person repented of that sin and will no
longer do it. The Law is not meant to ream you out just to make you
feel bad. It is meant to expose your guilt and drive you to
repentance. It is that simple.

And yet, it is profound. Think about it, how much love are you showing
someone to leave them in a sin that is harmful to them and to others?
When you bring the Law to bear on someone you are loving them. You are
helping them. You are taking a step to bring them to the point where
they no longer continue in that behavior and then they are not only
blessed themselves but are also loving others by not carrying out that
sin. God’s will is good and gracious, and that’s why He brings the Law
to bear on us.

It is a profound thing that the very thing that cuts us to the heart
is the very thing that is a gracious act of God to make us aware that
we are guilty and dead in our sin and guilt.  He loves us so much that
He will not leave us drowning in our condemnation. He cannot bear to
see us die in our sin and be lost forever.

This is one of the marks of the Christian Church, the preaching of the
Law. Any church that is not condemning sinners of the their sin is
dangerously close to not being Christian. If what is heard from the
pulpits of Christian churches leaves people satisfied in their own
efforts rather than coming to the awareness that they are wretched and
so soiled in their heart with sin, then those people are hearing a
false Gospel.

There is one who has kept the Law of God perfectly and it is our Lord
Jesus Christ. He aligned His will with His Heavenly Father. He did not
entertain temptation but clung to the Word of God. He did not desire
His own will but His Father’s will. He rejoiced in loving people even
to the point of dying for them. No one ought to be made to feel or
think that they are fine the way they are. That is pure modern-day
humanism. We are not fine the way we are! We are wretched and live in
a body of death. We are dust and ashes. We are utterly caught up in
sin and stand guilty before God. Not just partially. Not just not as
much as others. Fully guilty, fully condemned, and fully without power
to remove ourselves from this wretched state.

Jesus quotes the Old Testament, “You shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind,” and
says of that, “This is the great and first commandment. And a second
is like it”: (and then quotes the Old Testament again) “You shall love
your neighbor as yourself.” His interpretation of these two
commandments is this: “On these two commandments depend all the Law
and the Prophets.”

So here is the question for you this evening as you begin this season
of Lent. As you prepare to celebrate the great victory of Easter. As
you ponder the Passion of your Lord Jesus Christ, His suffering and
death. As you take extra time out of your week each week for six weeks
in meditating on the Word of God.

How do you see the Law and the Prophets, that is, the entire Old
Testament, as depending on these two commandments?

It is the crucial question. Because here you see how utterly simple
the Law is and how amazingly profound it is. Here you see which way
you are going to go with the Law. Whether you will go the way of the
world and the way that is so natural to your own sinful nature or the
way of your Lord Jesus Christ. Whether you will see in Jesus’
statement a call to look within yourself and do what God requires of
you or a call to repentance and a complete despairing of your own
ability and will to live as God calls you to live. Whether you will
see yourself as good enough for God to love you or seeing that He
condemns you by His holy Law except for the gift He has given you in
His Son who fulfilled the Law you could not and suffered the
punishment you deserve.

The sad state of affairs in the world and too often in the Church is
that we do not want to hear the condemning judgment of the Law but
rather want to see ourselves not in wretchedness but as doing pretty
well, considering all. Sadly, so often we look inward to strive to
obey God’s will. To often we do not see that there is nothing but sin
and guilt. It is an illusion that we can obey God’s will of our own

The Ten Commandments, all simply and directly stated, leave no room
for this. You have other gods, you do not love your neighbor as
yourself. Everything the Word of God depends on—you have fallen short,
you are found wanting. Who will rescue you from this body of death?

It may seem there’s no good news here. But the words of Christ are
profound. The very thing God demands of us in His Law, the Ten
Commandments, our Lord Himself fulfilled. He did what you could not
and have not. He did this for you. And because you are still found in
your guilt, He suffered the punishment for your guilt in your place.
It is simple even as it is profound. Your Lord does not direct you to
the Ten Commandments to whip you into shape but to drive you to
despairing of your own works and to repenting of them and of your sin
and guilt. In this repentance is found an astonishing thing. Hope! Who
will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus
Christ! Thanks be to God that in repentance we see not ourselves but
our Lord in all His glory and grace and love for us in suffering,
dying, and rising for us. Amen.


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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