How ironic.  The day before I leave to care for my parents because they suffer 
from Alzheimer’s, the book of Hebrews warns us against a spiritual Alzheimer’s. 
 For the Christian Church is a living reality, also with a memory.  The book of 
Hebrews speaks of this memory, telling those in the Church not to succumb to a 
spiritual Alzheimer’s.

Main Body
In many ways, we find ourselves today forgetting too much.  What’s crazy about 
forgetting something is, when you forget it, you don’t remember you are to 
remember it!  So, not only do we lose what we should be remembering, but even 
that we are to remember it.  How ironic!  So destructive is this spiritual 

Our sacred text for today tells us: 

Remember your leaders, who spoke the Word of God to you.  Consider the impact 
of their lives, and follow the example of their faith.  Jesus Christ is the 
same yesterday, today, and forever.  Do not be carried away by diverse and 
strange teachings.  Your strength comes from God’s grace. [Hebrews 13:7-9]

Yes, even today, we are to remember our leaders, those who spoke God’s Word to 
us.  Consider the Book of Hebrews and when the author wrote it: In the 1st 
century.  Even in those days of old, the Church was to remember—yes, their 
current pastors—but even more so the Apostles and those whom the Apostles 
taught, those in the past, “those who spoke to [them] the Word of God.”  

Even in the 1st century, as spiritual grandchildren of the Apostles began to 
fill the Church, Scripture told the Church to remember the Apostles and their 
first pastors.  To remember your leaders isn’t focusing only on me, your 
current pastor.  No, Hebrews is hailing us back to the Church’s first pastors: 
The Apostles and their students.  

Why?  The ministry of those first pastors is to continue even today.  For if 
Jesus as God is “the same yesterday, today, and forever,” which He is, then 
what the Church believes, teaches, and confesses is also unchanging.   To 
remember what they taught, we are still to learn from the Apostles today.  To 
forget what they brought to the Church from Jesus, “diverse and strange 
teachings” will then take us away from Christ.  Those teachings do not 
strengthen us “by grace.”

Our memory, going back to the Apostles and their students, is a focused 
spotlight on their teaching of God’s Word.  The Apostle Paul tells us in the 
book of Ephesians: Christ “gave—on the one hand, apostles; on the other, the 
prophets, the evangelists, and pastor-teachers.”  Why did Christ do this, this 
giving?  To outfit His saints with spiritual armor and move them into good 
works of serving others.  Most of all, God wants to bring us and keep us in the 
Church, the Body of Christ.  

What’s the result of what Christ does for us through our leaders we are to 
remember?  He brings us into the fullness of the faith.  That is being one in 
faith, knowing God’s Son, being brought into Christ’s standard of spiritual 
maturity (Ephesians 4:11-13).

Now, why do you think we are to go all the way back to the Apostles?  Scripture 
tells us the Apostles are the foundation of the Church with Christ as the 
Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).  So, to this day, God still calls pastors to 
preach and teach apostolic doctrine, not their own.  Today’s pastors are to 
remember so they may proclaim Christ for us and our salvation.  So we—you and 
me—remember.  For when we forget, we forget the real Jesus and how He comes to 
save us.

In the 4th century, after Christianity became a legal religion, the Church 
focused her energies on being faithful and confessing that faith.  For many 
taught lies about Jesus.  The Church realized if those lies about Jesus 
remained in the Church, nothing else mattered.  The antidote?  The Creeds.

Only after the Church put together her Creeds to refute false teachings about 
Jesus did she even bother to compile the list of books of the Old and New 
Testaments.  For us, this sounds odd.  We would first want to hammer out what 
is Scripture and what is not.  

Consider this: Knowing what books are in the Bible is of little help if you 
don’t find the real Jesus within its pages.  The Bible exists to bring Jesus to 
us.  Jesus even tells us so (John 5:39).  Believing in Jesus, we still confess 
those Creeds to this day, for they speak forth apostolic doctrine.  And when we 
do so, we remember our leaders as Scriptures tells us to do, because those 
leaders point us to Christ.

When we recollect as the book of Hebrews tells us to do, we recite the Creeds.  
We do so, not only to remember but to make sure our faith is in the real Jesus. 
 We don’t want to confess some newfangled Jesus, which someone came up with 
based on his interpretation of Scripture.

Remembering our leaders, we do not forget about our “altar, from which those 
who serve the tent may not eat.”  What does that mean?  Hebrews is confessing 
the doctrine of “closed Communion.”  In their setting, it was those who didn’t 
trust in Jesus as the Messiah.   They were not allowed to commune at a 
Christian altar.  

Everyone who confesses something, some religion, some faith, belongs where they 
are one with others.  If someone does not confess the same Jesus we do, he 
should not commune here.  He should receive where he is one with others at 
another table.  

Why?  They recollect something else, a different Jesus, whom they may think 
doesn’t come to us in His body and blood.  For the Jews, who “still served the 
tent,” they brought to mind a different Messiah from the Old Testament, not the 
one who pointed to Jesus.  They had a different memory—and so their confession 
was different.  

For those, however, who do belong to an altar, all are welcome to commune if 
they want to receive, in repentance, what Jesus gives to them: His body and 
blood for the forgiveness of sin (Matthew 26:28).  How can we be sure?  Jesus 
tells us.  

Jesus gave these words to His Apostles for the Church: “Drink of it all of you; 
this cup is the New Covenant in my blood.”  This remembering of our leaders, 
who bring us the real Jesus, bring us to the Supper and what Jesus gives to us 
for life and salvation.  Does not Jesus teach: “Do this in memory of me?”

This remembering is collective, for both you and me, for the laity and the 
pastor.  Scripture calls us all to recollect.  We are to hold one another 
accountable to this recall of memory, not forgetting the doctrine the Apostles 
preached and taught.  If you forget, I am to call you back; if I forget, you 
are to tell me so.

This remembering is not what you may reminisce from childhood or your 
experiences.  Our memories are collective and go back to what Jesus first gave 
to His Apostles.  Any other memories, which are not faithful to the Apostles’ 
teaching, are corrupt and will point us in some other direction, not to the 
real Jesus.

So, when we remember as Scripture tells us, we realize, once more, we live as 
strangers in this world.  We are pilgrims on a journey, resident aliens, like 
the Israelites of old wandering in the wilderness to the Promised Land.  Our 
citizenship is in the heavenly Jerusalem; this fallen world is not our 
permanent home.  

Our cities are all destined for destruction, whether today or tomorrow, whether 
through decay or corruption within, or war and destruction from without.  What 
lasts in eternity is the city God builds, the city of Christ, whom we still 
have through apostolic preaching, teaching, and the Lord’s Supper.

Our Epistle for today finishes in the present tense.  So, when you remember 
“our leaders,” the Apostles of old, you obey those who are your leaders today 
and submit to them.  Why?  They are watching over your souls, and they are 
accountable to God.

Paul commanded Pastor Titus: “Encourage and correct with full authority” (Titus 
2:15).  All authority from God is not for the person, but whom he serves.  A 
pastor’s authority is not to benefit himself, but the people he serves.

So, each pastor will answer to God if he abused his position and did not preach 
and teach Apostolic doctrine.  That is why he also must not forget “our 
leaders.”  A pastor will answer to God.  God won’t hold you accountable because 
He didn’t call you to shepherd a flock.  He will, however, hold you accountable 
if you don’t submit to him.

What!  “Submit” makes us angry; it sounds crazy.  Even worse, God commands it!  
Hebrews is using command language.  What does God mean?  This: to give way or 
yield.  So, respect your pastor as God’s shepherd for you, and yield to him 
instead of cornering him to get your way.  God placed him here to shepherd over 
your soul.

What happens if you rebel against your pastor and disobey what God tells you?  
Here’s what happens: it is of no benefit to you.  So, don’t undercut your 
pastor—you are only harming your spiritual well-being.  Why do that?  It makes 
no sense.  

In the end, our recollections are not about remembering.  Neither is it about 
your pastor, your “leader,” to whom you are to submit.  No, it is all about 
Jesus and what He did, does, and will do to save you—and so you remember, even 
obeying your pastor.  

If we lose apostolic doctrine, we lose Jesus Christ.  We lose the perfect life 
He lived for us.  We lose His death on the cross for us.  We lose His 
resurrection from the dead for us.  And if we lose those life-giving truths, we 
lose the Christ who comes with them. 

God calls to remember because we need to; such remembering is not optional.  
For your strength comes from God’s grace, not from spiritual Alzheimer’s.  Amen.
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