The Lord Jesus tells a tale of a wedding feast, to which a king invites others 
to attend.  Earlier, those asked to take part agreed, confirming their 
attendance according to the custom of the day.  First, the invitation goes out. 
 Those who plan to be present respond, and when the feast is later ready, a 
servant hails them into the celebrations.

Main Body
In the end, those invited refused to come.  So the king instructs his servants. 

“The wedding is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.  Go now 
into the roads leading out of the city and invite everyone you find to the 
banquet.”  So, those servants went out into the streets and gathered everyone 
they found, both evil and good.  The wedding hall was full of guests.

So, what allows these strangers to dine at this feast?  The king isn’t in their 
group of friends, nor is his betrothed son.  None of them woke up expecting to 
eat at his wedding dinner.  No, they’re going about their business, when the 
call to celebrate comes their way.  An invitation, delivered by an outsider, 
interrupts their plans.  The summons, however, contains the strength to draw 
them into the celebration feast.

Stranger still is this king welcoming both the well-behaved and the evil.  For 
he lays down no pre-qualifications.  The only condition is for someone to be 
alive.  Did you catch Jesus saying the parable is about the kingdom of heaven?  
So, He splinters open a sneak peek into the ways of His Father, not people.  
Yes, we learn the Lord’s Church is for sinners, showing His saving deeds are 
for everyone!  

No one needs to bathe himself beforehand to come into the Church.  So, if any 
cleansing is required, God will do the clean-up; this is Christ’s picture of 
His Church.  Ancient bloodlines tracing back to Abraham do not make you a part 
of His holy people.  No, God admits you, not whether you can make the cut or 

In this story, you are on the guest list of this generous King, without any 
worthiness on your part.  To be celebrating the wedding isn’t because of the 
life you live or what you do.  No, everything is because of God’s grace, the 
righteousness of His Son, and the working of the Holy Spirit, who calls you to 

To believe this invitation is for you is a gift to you from above.  This same 
confidence brings you to return to the forgiveness of your sins, where you 
delight in the fellowship of the saints and angels.  The gift of God transports 
you into the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the 
communion of His sanctifying Spirit.

Well, the story continues, revealing two kinds of reactions to this Ruler’s 
invitation.  The first rejects the message.  The parable pictures this by 
telling us about people who want to do something else instead of feasting at 
the meal, hosted by a king.  

Remember, this is a story about how God behaves in His kingdom.  So, the 
bountiful feast describes something more significant—who will be dining at the 
throne room of heaven for all eternity.  Those attending, receive and rejoice 
in what God chooses to bestow in His meal.  The Father above invites 
everyone—and your wrongdoings, no matter how prevalent or wicked—do not 
disqualify you.  

In this wedding celebration, everyone is wearing identical outfits, wedding 
garments provided by the host.  A few verses after our reading in Matthew, one 
man gets thrown out for wearing his clothes, not the supplied clothing.  So, 
what disqualifies someone is choosing not to be at the dinner or trying to be 
with the King on your terms, not his.

The same is true in the congregation of Christ.  Each person in the Lord’s 
House is dressed alike, in His purity and virtue.  The life-giving Spirit gave 
you this garment in the water and Word of baptism.  In our Epistle reading, you 
became reacquainted with this, for all who are baptized into Christ are now 
clothed with Him.

Every guest at the King’s Table eats the food of sin’s forgiveness.  The only 
disqualifier is coming to the Supper with your stipulations, not the Host’s.  
Do you not understand?  Nothing you do qualifies you for anything relating to 
your redemption.  The Apostle Paul hammers us with this in Romans.  “Now if 
[your salvation is] by grace, then it is not by works; otherwise grace is no 
longer grace” (Romans 11:6).

Now, this changes everything, not only because a merciful God saves you, but 
also by how you live because of Him.  Think this over.  For some imperfection 
contaminates everything you do—but God is still at work, undaunted, doing 
everything required.  

So, every moment now turns into a renewed license on life.  Let this sink into 
your soul, and your life will become a lifelong thanksgiving.  Give thanks!  
For your problems, whatever they may be, are temporary.  Though events may 
never turn around in this life, your future holds eternity in its hands, free 
of sorrow and pain.  So you can live in gratitude and gladness.  

Scan all around you.  Ample evidence of your heavenly Father’s loving care is 
everywhere.  Rich reminders of His goodness hide under every rock and cranny.  
In the forward march of seasons and years, God established His laws of nature, 
providing opportunities for food to flourish to support His creatures.  Though 
we are under the curse of sin by our doing, He still enables us to work, 
organize, and use His creation as He provides.

The foundation for your thanks is your everlasting bliss with the Triune God in 
resplendent glory.  The food and drink we relish, which satisfies our bellies, 
are secondary reasons to thank God above.  

The faith within you furnishes you with new eyes.  The momentary bounties of 
this earth we so enjoy are to enable you to value the wonder of eternity all 
the more.  Every day of our lives can turn into a time of rejoicing for the 
present and future blessings of God, the chief being our life with Him in 

From all God gives you, salvation is supreme, for you will never lose this 
unless you choose to cast it aside by living in unrepentance.  Only eternity 
matters when your eyes close in death.  For when your final breath wisps away, 
everything you own will fall from your grasp except what survives into eternity.

The prophet Isaiah tells us, “The soil makes the sprout come up, and a garden 
causes the seeds to grow.”  The Lord plants faith inside us, which produces 
righteousness to His glory.  Now, this can be an enormous difficulty for us 
because we are both saint and sinner, like the guests at the party.  How are we 
to do these holy deeds?  

Again, Scripture doesn’t leave us wanting.  “So will the Lord God create 
righteousness and praise to spring up before all the nations.”  So who is doing 
what?  Not you, but God almighty, for He is righteous and provides you with 
what you lack.  The perfect holiness of your Savior is a pure and spotless 
garment.  Through a Spirit-breathed trust in God’s Son, before the Judge of 
all, you wear a robe of righteousness, which covers the ugly nakedness of your 
fallen nature.

From what our God grants to us, we can respond with thanks, prayer, respect, 
and reverence.  But if we are deficient in what our Father wants to give us, 
our most heartfelt praises will falter and fall flat.  The shape of the worship 
service is designed to show this, which is why we glorify God after receiving 
forgiveness and life from Him.

Any attempt to buy divine favor with our struggle and striving makes our 
efforts useless—even harmful.  For if our confidence in the face of judgment is 
in the works we do, they become a false god, an unreliable redeemer.  To try 
and add to what Jesus does is to reject His saving work—and you can’t earn 
eternal life.  

So, quit trying to earn points with the God of the universe.  Do you think by 
doing so you’ll create a thankful heart?  No, you’ll either start resenting 
God; perhaps, you’ll turn into a Pharisee.  With God in charge, however, you’re 
free to risk helping others, for what you do is flawless to Him.  So, if you 
happen to fail in your love for God or when assisting others, all is still well 
with Him.  Now, this is a reason to be grateful!

From start to finish, real and lasting thanks flow from God, through you, and 
back to Him.  Often, your neighbor is in between you and God, benefitting from 
your overflowing gratitude.  “All right, pastor, but what you are saying 
doesn’t describe me.”  Let’s consider the remedy.  The experience we garner in 
this world will tell us to strive harder.  Ah, so a little work-righteousness 
is still lurking within you and me.

No, you need more from the Source of thankfulness—God.  The solution is not to 
haul up a bucket from an empty well but to receive a new supply.  So, every 
week, the giving King of heaven beckons you to His feast, where He feeds you 
with His eternal approval.  By the power of His Holy Spirit, He nurtures the 
seed of faith inside you.  The implanted seed grows and bears the fruit of 
goodness, which is also His doing.

Taken away from your self-striving and brought again to Jesus doing everything 
for you, He refreshes your spirit.  For, in Him, you are now pure enough, and 
freed to live without failure.  Once more, He fills you to the full, which 
inspires you to offer God-given thanksgiving, not self-generated sinfulness.  

Now, we both realize our emotions don’t always follow in tow, but what God 
delivers is still real.  Though counterintuitive, when you fathom this, you are 
liberated.  For if your heart doesn’t bubble over in appreciation, God will, 
nevertheless, consider such insipid gratitude as worthy, which reenergizes you 
in thankfulness.  “Well, pastor, what you are preaching sounds crazy.”  Yes, 
for this is the Gospel of our grace-filled God!

With Isaiah, you can now sing.  “In the Lord, I find my joy, and in my God, my 
soul delights.  For He clothes me in garments of salvation and wraps me in a 
robe of righteousness.”  In Christ, you cannot lose but only win.  How can we 
not be thankful?  Amen.
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