Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Harvesting user requirements concerning Avalon containment:
1. enhanced logging management
2. enhanced configuration error handling
3. remotely accessible services (e.g. via JNDI)


JMX support at the kernel level is already in place, support for internal manager is in progress. and support for components follows. There is some engineering in the kernel to be done to enable container-side components (such as a JMX server or proxy, JMS adapter, and other facilities that expand or replace container services).

Possibly help for distribution, but I really want the spooler to be
that mechanism, and we cannot tie its interface to Avalon.

I'm probably exposing an insufficient knowledge of James - but I don't really follow the above with respect to the "spooler" and "mechamism" - sorry!

JMS *might* be a possibility.

There is already have a JMS lifecycle extension that is working today. Components can declare a stage dependency and this gets resolved automatically. The best person to ask about this is Aaron (over on Avalon).


--- Noel

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Stephen J. McConnell

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