
I have been perusing James current draft IMAP implementation and I have a couple of newbie questions :)

- Does the current IMAP implementation uses something akin to javax.mail.Authenticator to authenticate a request? In org.apache.james.imapserver, there are references to org.apache.mailet.User and org.apache.mailet.UsersRepository. Is it how the authentication is handled? I cannot quiet track it down. Where is that done? How do I introduce my own Authenticator?

- Looking at the different commands found in org.apache.james.imapserver.commands, I can see that they work in term of something called org.apache.james.imapserver.store.ImapStore. But ImapStore, while similar, doesn't seem to be compatible with javax.mail.Store. Is that correct? In the same vain, ImapMailbox looks similar to javax.mail.Folder, but it has an incompatible API. And ImapMessage looks like javax.mail.Message, but isn't quite one. Any reasons for such similar but not quite same API? Did I overlooked something? Is James API as used by the IMAP implementation somehow compatible with the JavaMail API as far as the basic Store, Folder and Message goes? Could the IMAP implementation work in terms of JavaMail's Store, Folder and Message? And more generally in term of javax.mail?

- Looking at org.apache.james.imapserver.commands.FetchCommand, I can see that there is a couple of classes to encapsulate a request (FetchRequest, FetchElement, etc). But looking at the JavaMail API, there seems to be a very similar package to handle a query: javax.mail.search. Are the two compatible? Could the FetchCommand produce a SearchTerm to query a Folder by using its search() method?

- In org.apache.james.imapserver.store, there is something called MailboxListener. In JavaMail, there is something called javax.mail.event.FolderListener with looks similar. There are also several other interfaces and events with looks relevant. Are those two notification mechanism compatible? Can I use javax.mail.event to notify the IMAP implementation of changes in the underlying Store? Would those event be propagated to the client?

Thanks in advance for any insights :)




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