Two tools which I find useful for troubleshooting such difficulties are:
1. telnet to port 25 of the server in question (one of the Yahoo servers which DNS is finding for you) and talk SMTP to it. That is, type in SMTP commands and observe the responses. You can send test messages to yourself in this low-level way. For an example of a SMTP exchange, see RFC 2821, Appendix D.

2. Ethereal to capture the packets of a given exchange. It is possible that some error message is being generated, in the exchange between javax.mail.Transport and the yahoo mail server, which is not being reported up to you. By scrutinizing the SMTP exchange, which you can capture with Ethereal, you might find an error message.

Rich Hammer

Serge Knystautas wrote:
Chandru wrote:
Took me a bit of time to figure out that I need to point James to the
apropriate dns server (default is localhost).  The nameservers are set
correctly (I am using yahoo's namesservers currently).

The emails seem to be going out from James:

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