Serge Knystautas wrote:
> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > While on the subject of direction, what do we want to do before
> cutting the
> > next major release?
> >
> >   - Do we want to take the current code as-is?
> >   - Do we want to take the current code + latest Avalon,
> >     which means pulling in Component->Service changes?
> >   - Do we want to do additional refactoring of james-config.xml?

Maybe a james-[blockname].xml file per block? I find this makes my life
easier, but it is very much a matter of taste. Alternatively, as we now have
a samples sub-directory of /config, we could add a sample configuration
using such an approach there.

> >   - Do we want to wait for the DSN code?
> >   - Do we want to wait for user attributes (Jason?)
> >   - Do we have any other outstanding patches pending?

I have a wee bug fix and a little extra functionality for fetchmail. I'll
wait for my CVS access to come through, unless this means missing the chop.

> >   - Do we want to ... ?

Ensure the .xdocs are current. For instance, I'm not sure that all of the
new Mailets and Matchers are documented.

> I would suggest
> setting a time when we'd look to release, and if
> committers/contributors
> can get a feature done by then, then great.

Yes, time-boxing the next release seems the best way forward to me.
Personally, I think that the time should be sooner rather than later as we
have plenty enough for a point release.

-- Steve

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