Steve Brewin wrote:
> Serge Knystautas wrote:
> > Steve Brewin wrote:
> > > 126 classes and 161 JUnit tests (tip of an iceberg) later I
> > > have a server neutral Java implementation of Sieve - RFC 3028.
> > > Now it needs a home!
> >
> > Nice!  I suggest making it a separate CVS module, managed by
> > the James PMC.

> You mean working through Incubator process

> Happy to go that way if required. As a James committer I was
> hoping to skip a few steps. If that's not possible, so be it.

I don't know if that will be necessary, although I won't say that it isn't,
yet.  Unlike, for example, Axion, Wagon, or other packages currently in the
Incubator, this is a new codebase written exclusively by you, an active ASF
Committer, for the purpose of being part of the James project, albeit not
entwined with the James server.  In most respects it is not that different
from your contribution of Fetchmail.  If the preceding is correct, the code
is certainly covered by your CLA.  That just leaves the question of

James, the project, is different from an umbrella project.  JSieve (or
whatever we call it), would be part of the James project.  I don't see us
having a separate Committer set for it.  I'm not even sure if we should have
separate mailing lists until a sufficiently high volume of traffic is
generated for it, or we find a new community evolving around it.  I think we
treat it as we do any other component of the James project, except that it
has its own versioning.

I am cc'ing the Incubator PMC (of which I am also a member) for comments
from others.  If it has to go through Incubation, I'll sponsor it, too.

How do you feel about Subversion?  :-)  Want to be the first James guinea
pig?  We are going to have to start migrating to it, anyway, soon enough.

        --- Noel

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