On 4 Feb 2004, at 11:23, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks, you make a great point against reject emails.

It was not my intent to create a new reject email but rather to reject
it at the incoming SMTP message level.
But, as Serge mentions, I might
not be able to do include the URL to apply for whitelist at the SMTP
reject level, and anyway the mailet API does not support such
functionality. I was counting on such capabilities to do rejects
without the annoying side effects you mentioned. I obviously need to do
more research into how to properly reject without causing extra emails.

As to a whitelisted sender being infected by a worm and sending spam, I
do not see that as a big flaw,

[sound of stefano banging his head on the wall]

especially if you already have an
anti-virus filter on your inbound mail filter chain (a normal

A clever worm spreads much more quickly than any anti-virus update. If you think that worms are not a problem in today's internet, think again.

Then again.

I can't imagine a huge number of spams coming that way,

don't know what "huge" is for you but 400 a day is enough for me.

and it would be easy to contact the sender and warn him of his

Are you reading what I write? there is no way for me to know *who* is infected.

Ok, enough. I already spent too much time on this.


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