The following comment has been added to this issue:

Author: Hes Siemelink
Created: Wed, 19 May 2004 6:46 AM
I'm afraiud the problem is not potential but quite real and reproducible.

We have nailed down the problem to the following:

 - Open a conenection to James
 - Give the HELO, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO and DATA commands
 - Close the connection after the DATA command. (On Windows, the most effective way to 
do this is by closing the telnet window)

James will deliver a stub message.


After reviewing RFC 2821 sections 3.3 and, I am not convinced this behavior is a bug. Those RFC sections do not seem to say what the SMTP receiver should do in this case. So I would think we are free to choose the present behavior, unless the present behavior violates a standard.

Rich Hammer

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