Groovy is a scripting language with almost the same semantics as java but extended to certain extent that allows a faster writting of config scritps
The fact it is scripting language and _only_ configuration is written in groovy gives administrator the possibility to change configuration without recompiling java classes

configuration in jamesng and any CDI IoC application is not pure
name=value pairs or even xml like in james v2
it is more of a script with logic and method calls

which is both bad and good
bad: requires certain skills to configure
good: as flexible as java but does not require recompilation

If you know java your groovy learning curve is very short
check the
and additionaly the example of default config of jamesng

answering your question: pure java is good and i'd prefer jamesng to be pure java application and it can be done like that, but groovy gives more flexibility in configuration than either name=value pair properties or xml files and it does not have to be compiled - easy for admins.

Steen Jansdal wrote:
Why groovy?

One of the things I like about James is it's use of
pure Java. Does Groovy give us any advantage that
Java doesn't ? Not many developers are familiar with
groovy, so if it doesn't buy us anything significant
I think we should avoid it.

What I would like is the ability to debug James.
With your favorite Java IDE it should be possible
to single step thru the program, set breakpoints, etc.


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