I think fast-fail is a good thing but we need an abstract on what are the
problems we are trying to solve.

Here is the list I have in my mind, please add more use cases if you find

A. SMTP connection: james currently always reply "220 server ready", we
could fast-fail based on:
 A1. remote address
 A2. current james resources/status.

B. SMTP "MAIL FROM:": james currently only checks address syntax, we could
fast-fail based on:
 B1. banned sender addresses

C. SMTP "RCPT TO:": james currently checks local/remote domains to decide
wether to relay or not, but we could add:
 C1. provide "user unknown" for unavailable local addresses
 C2. provide "mailbox full"/disabled and similar task

D. SMTP "DATA": james currently reply "250 Message received" for each
message under the maximum size handled:
 D1. add antivirus/antispam and other content filters and provide dedicated
failure feedback.

In order to continue the discussions about the possible solutions for this
list I would like to know if you can provide more fast-failing scenarios
(probably due to SMTP extensions like AUTH, STARTTLS, etc).


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