I've had a slightly longer think about things and there is one critical
piece of functionality that I won't have time to implement in the IMAP
server: IMAP search.

People have had ideas on this before so I suggest you look through the mail
archives, but here's a few thoughts for starters (a formal spec will come
later if people are interested)

The indexer must manage itself as far as is possible. (No admin)
User message indexes must be kept separate. (Secure)
Messages must be added to and deleted from the index as soon as is
practical, but as a thread running as the lowest priority in James. (Timely)
The indexer must be able to read messages from any of the James repository
types (Generic)
It would be nice to use Lucene (Apache)

We deploy Lucene in very high-volume systems so I have a lot of experience
of the issues involved, but then so do the Lucene folks ;)

I dropped the repository work as it is complex to explain, I don't know
where I'm going with it yet and it's not an easy piece of work to parcel up.
I hope you will all agree that working with IMAP, Lucene and James will be a
lot more fun than being up to your elbows in the James internals.

-- Jason

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