> * Is it useful/desirable to parse the message-id field (into left and
> right parts)?  I get the impression that a relatively high number of
> mail messages have syntactically illegal message-id values--two @ signs
> seems to be a particularly common offense.  Since the message-id is
> really intended to be used as an opaque value, wouldn't it be more
> robust and equally useful for the parser to treat it as such?

I dont think there's any need to parse this.

> * Is it useful/desirable to parse the Received field into name/value
> pairs?  If so, anyone on this list have a lot of experience with
> real-world Received values?  It looks to me like there are a lot of
> illegal Received headers out there, as well as a lot of useful
> information stuck in parenthetical comments.  In fact, according to Dan
> Bernstein, "It is probably best for readers to treat everything before
> the final semicolon as unstructured text, purely for human consumption."
> (http://cr.yp.to/immhf/envelope.html)  Agree/disagree?

Yes and no. I dont really know if it's intended to be machine readable, but
it is more useful for tracing messages.  However, one useful part of this
header is the "for" attribute, and i believe this is used in fetchmail.


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