Noel wrote:

> Although the scope of "validation" covers that neccessary to determine
> we will accept the responsibility for delivery, which can lead to some
> things.  For example, I would probably configure virtual user mapping
> the protocol handler, which would allow me to reject unknown users
> in-protocol instead of via bounce notices.

I don't have an issue with this.
I think that if we're going to enable fast fail we should do so assuming
our users will be responsible for how it is used.

If the scope is to enable configuration and extension points for adding
validation to
protocol command handlers we get all of that.

> But this should be a
> configurable choice, ideally using the same code.


> > The next part is to design some kind of simple API (and implement it
> > in James) which will allow "rules" to be developed and applied
> > declaratively through configuration

> This is an area where I think that the approach I took would work really
> well.  I looked at the configuration side, and the SMTPHandler as a
> container managing and inspecting the handlers plugged into it.  I look
> forward to your feedback.

I have no issues with your approach, it is almost exactly what I envisage,
and I'm not too
bothered about the remaining differences. :-)

> We're not that far apart.  Were it not for SoC timing, I'd suggest that
> hammer things out at ApacheCon EU in July.

Yeah, lets.


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