--On Sunday, June 05, 2005 8:38 PM -0400 "Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Most attachment types are filtered out by our mail filters.  Very
little can get through on most ASF mailing lists.  Your attachment
didn't make it. Please post text e-mail.

And eventually all of these proposals have to go through Google's
posted process for submitting to them.

        --- Noel
I am really excited to see the participation of Apache Foundation in the google summer of code program.

There were some real interesting projects listed under the ideas putted forward by ASF. When going through them I felt that I can participate in a real meaningful way in quite a few of them. Out of those many projects I decided to choose the one titled, "Implementation of IMAP search support".

The mentors for this project were named as Jason Webb and other JAMES Committers. I have included a draft proposal with this email. Hope you can have a look at it and give me some feedback before I submit it to google

     Hope to here from you soon.

Thank you,
Name: Umesh J Maitipe


Project Title: Implementation of IMAP search support

Synopsis: The Apache JAMES mail server is said to have partial IMAP support. The current IMAP implementation does not involve a search method by which a mail user agent(MUA) can carry out a search on the mail server. This project is to implement such a search method with the possible use of Lucene, a text search engine library.

Project Details: A very broad view I currently have regarding how to go about this project is as follows;

1. Get a necessary interface in the MUA to initiate the search process: at this point it will be decided what parameters will be taken in for this search.

One possible way if Lucene is not being used for searching the server database;

2. Once the search need is informed to the server with the necessary parameters we can use the "matchers" that are associated with James as follows. For example if we are searching for a particular message with a certain header we can use "HasHeader" to inform us that such a message do exist and then we can retrieve that message.

If Lucene is being used for searching the server database;

2. Couple the James email server mail storage database with Lucene. This will enable using Lucene for the necessary search process. (I need more input here) I also believe this will a place where I will have to put lot of effort. 3. Get Lucene to do the needed searching based on the parameters given. This might involve modifying the given parameters.

4. Finally get the search results from Lucene to the MUA.

I do have a certain idea of the Apache email server thanks to the articles I have read on it. But once I have a certain objective I will need some time to be familiar with the working of this particular server. Also I believe it is expected that Lucene will be used for the carrying out of the necessary search function. Therefore I will have to spend time to get a background on how to couple the working of Lucene to the base code I am writing that will initiate the search process from the MUA.

Project Schedule: I will start working on this project as soon as I get in contact with Jason Webb who is named as the mentor for this project.

Since currently I am not involved in any class work or any other project I can give my undivided attention to this project. Usually a project such as this which involves building on existing code would take four weeks. I would like to ask for five weeks in this case given that I will have to do a bit of communication with a Jason possibly through email which sometimes takes time.

1-1/2 weeks: To get all the needed background on this project. During this week I will also do the necessary designing so that each step of the project is predetermined and can be accounted for.

2 weeks: To carry out the coding. I do not think I will need this much time for coding if the matches that exist can be reused.

Final 1-1/2 weeks: For testing the code to determine it is doing what it is supposed to do at any given circumstance.

I am a recent Computer Science graduate from University of Minnesota Duluth. I graduated with honors with a GPA of 3.86, this I hope will reflect my commitment to duties I undertake. As I plan to enter into graduate school in the following fall I do have this whole summer free.

I recently completed a class project which involved programming SMTP interaction between a given mail user agent and the local SMTP server. This gave me a good idea of how to interact with class libraries and how the email system works.***

I have also gone through two articles written on the James email server;



I have followed the content in these articles closely. Especially by following the steps taken to develop an application that, flags a user's account unavailable in such instances as when the user is on vacation, I do have an idea of how to go about this application building process.

I have also included code from projects I have worked in the past at http://www.d.umn.edu/~mait0007. ***The code relating to the SMTP interaction I carried out is within the directory named "Email Client". Please feel free to browse your way through these codes and ask any question from me.

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