> By the way, did I miss a patch where you changed the bounce 
> mailet?  I'm seeing the DSNStatus inner class still there, as 
> well as the new copy of it that is in mail/dsn/DSNStatus.
>       --- Noel

My DSNBounce is totally different from the one in trunk. Actually I named my
bounce handling mailet "DeliveryStatusNotify" because it is totally
different from DSNBounce and not backward compatible. I also written a
DSNRemoteDelivery that fill in the attributes needed by the
DeliveryStatusNotify (DeliveryStatus object and PerRecipient objects). I'm
not totally satisfied with my code but when I'll have more time (later in
june or in july) I will make changes to the core components (MailImpl, Mail,
MailetContext, LinearProcessor) and submit an API change proposal.


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