I was reviewing the documentation of the Avalon/Phoenix project in
Subversion here:


trying to wrap my head around how James works and was struck by the
similarity in architectural concept as well as deployment practices that
there are between Phoenix and JBOSS application server.  To anyones
knowledge, is JBOSS based on Phoenix?  I admit i have not gone over to
JBOSS' cvs to do a comparative analysis.  But the practice of
deploying .SAR files in directories and managing the server thru a JMX /
HTTP adaptor seems identical.  Also similar is the actual concept of an
application container.

If this were so it would have interesting implications as to how easy it
would be to run James as an app inside JBOSS with little modifications.
That would make it very competitive with JBOSS own mail services.

In any case.  The above info is very useful for getting a grasp on the
actual underpinnings of James for people new to the project.  I found
the images to be very heplful too, maybe they could be recylced for the
James wiki.

Any comments on the coincidences would be great appreciated.
Juan Carlos Murillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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