I managed to make MX4J reply with xml via the HTTP by programmatically
changing the XSLT Processor to a default processor, but to do this we
have to insert a new class in Phoenix to replace the MX4JSystemManager
since all this config is hard coded into that class.  

We could do that, or, we can use XML-RPC as suggested below by Chris.
XML-RPC looks like a really fast and simple solution to exposing the
admin fucntionality. You make an HTTP call and get back an Java object.
If we go the JMX way we will have to do the XML response parsing by

What do you think is best, JMX HTTP or XML-RPC?
I prefer XML-RPC.

Also, what is the preference on the Web Dev Style / Framework?  
My vote on that is bare bones JSP/Servlet/JSTL.

Any comments from the committers? i would very much like to start coding
soon :)


On Fri, 2005-06-24 at 12:25 +0200, Chris Zumbrunn wrote:
> If you would want to go in the other direction and use a bare-bones 
> approach then directly embedding Apache XML-RPC in James may be a 
> clever solution. That way James could offer an XML-RPC admin interface 
> and a built-in bare-bones Web-Admin tool and the total solution would 
> only add about 90KB to James. Apache XML-RPC contains a built-in Web 
> Server that is normally only used to serve XML-RPC request - but it 
> probably could be tweaked to directly serve some simple html pages 
> also.
> Chris

Juan Carlos Murillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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