Well good questions, I read your entry on the upgrade, wher you state:

"Probably only performance improvement on base64 encoding/decoding.
 Most of the other changes are around IMAP (client) and we don't use it. "

So our main reason is the performance improvement in base64 handling, and this 
is exactly what seams broken. So I suggest reverting to JavaMail 1.3.2 until 
a bugfix-release from Sun is available.


On Thursday 08 September 2005 11:25, Stefano Bagnara wrote:
> > Just saw this on the BouncyCastle mailinglist, as we provide
> > mailets using BouncyCastle we should perhaps revise upgrading
> > to JavaMail 1.3.3.
> >
> > --Søren
> Hi Søren,
> Thank you for pointing this out. What should we do?
> I haven't tested S/MIME stuff since the upgrade to javamail 1.3.3.
> Should I revert the upgrade to mail-1.3.3? Should we add a FAQ?
> Should we add a note in the config.xml just before the SMIME stuff?
> Stefano
> > Subject: [dev-crypto] warning about JavaMail 1.3.3
> > Date: Thursday 08 September 2005 00:25
> > From: David Hook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > We're not sure exactly what's happening still, but it appears
> > that on some platforms, under some circumstances, Base64
> > decoding, or something underlying it, in JavaMail 1.3.3
> > breaks horribly and produces data with lots of extra bytes of
> > the value 0x00 and 0xff. The upshot of this is that messages
> > containing Base64 encoded data, such as S/MIME messages will
> > no longer work as the data stream containing the encoded
> > message has become corrupted.
> >
> > If S/MIME starts causing exceptions we recommend moving back to 1.3.2.
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Søren Hilmer, M.Sc.
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