Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> I have spent much of ApacheCon working on testing JAMES.  Ran into some
> little bits, but generally OK.  Ran with Derby for about 48 hours stably,

I'm looking at how James uses Derby and I see for the message repository
the create table statement is:

   <sql name="createTable" db="derby">
       CREATE TABLE ${table} (
           message_name varchar (200) NOT NULL,
           repository_name varchar (255) NOT NULL,
           message_state varchar (30) NOT NULL ,
           error_message varchar (200) ,
           sender varchar (255) ,
           recipients long varchar NOT NULL ,
           remote_host varchar (255) NOT NULL ,
           remote_addr varchar (20) NOT NULL ,
           message_body blob NOT NULL ,
           message_attributes blob ,
           last_updated timestamp NOT NULL,
           PRIMARY KEY (repository_name, message_name)

I'm curious about the recipients and {message_body, message_attributes}

recipients long varchar - In Derby LONG VARCHAR has a limit of 32,700
characters. Does this limit James in any way? A better datatype would be
CLOB, then you could have up to 2Gb character limit.
I don't believe this would require any application changes (moving to a

message_body, message_attributes are defined as BLOB, this means
BLOB(1M), a one megabyte blob. Is this a concern for James? If you want
to have the maximum size of a BLOB then you would need to define the
type using BLOB(2G).

I'm not sure what your intended limits are in these cases, but wanted to
ensure that you are not suprised by them.

DB2 will also have the same limits.


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