Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
Bernd Fondermann wrote:
Stefano Bagnara wrote:
I currently don't have an opinion on what it is better for us between
j2ee, OSGi, XBean, Phoenix, <put what you want here>, but I think
that we should choose one. This is way I'm really interested in
pro/cons of XBean.
AFAIK, XBean is to become the 'next generation core' for Geronimo
(can't find the thread over on geron-dev ATM).
I want to add some color to this particular thread. Getting James ready
for XBean will make it totally container agnostic in that it will not be
dependent on any XBean code. What we will have are, literally, POJOs
that can be wired together by hand, if desired. The beauty of this is
that people can use and embed James w/out dragging in the pantheon of
server container jar dependencies that it currently requires.
We don't depend on the container itself.
We don't have dependencies on phoenix in our code.
We depend on the avalon-framework: think at it as a set of mostly
interfaces and basic classes that helps starting up a new project (a
common way to define things).
This is the same thing as ant vs maven2: maven2 power is because it
standardize the way you handle a project.
Well, IMHO, Avalon:POJO is like Maven2:ant. Just think to them as a core
of James. We could have written our own org.apache.james.Startable
interface but we preferred to use an already existing
org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Startable interface already existing.
I invite you to look at the avalon-framework-api-4.3.jar contents and
what interfaces are declared in that jar. I think this could help this
The other depedencies excalibur+cornerstone jars are components, and
provide services to our code: they are not imposed by the container but
needed by our code.
I will restate my opinion that I mentioned in an earlier email. IMO, if
you must decide ahead of time what container to choose before you start
coding, that container is too invasive.
We already have code. So to move to another container we HAVE TO write
wiring/configuration data and unfortunately this is container specific.
PS: please note that if you look at this archives I had the same
identical ideas you're defending now, then I looked at and understood
avalon and I now I think I was wrong.
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