Stefano Bagnara wrote:

FolderAware: why does a mailRepository implements a FolderAware interface that returns a Folder that is then incapsulated in a JavaMailImapMailbox ? Can't we change the FolderAware to directly return an ImapMailbox so we don't have direct access to the underlying Javamail Folder interface at this level?

That is only an interim solution to allow access from the James side and from the imap server side until we are sure how to design the new MailStore. Then ImapMailbox and ImapStore interfaces will be obsolete and James MailStore could be used directly.

Can you reply to the question itself? I understand your points but the answer to the question will help me better understand if I learned enough of that part ;-)

JamesImapStore could take place of JavaMailImapStore which looks up the MailRepository for the corresponding user and calls getImapMailbox() or maybe getImapMailbox(String folderName) on it.

getUidValidity, getUidNext, getMsn: what are intended for?

uidValidity is a (random or current time?) number that is generated when the store is created. The first message stored get's the uid 1 the next 2. If the store is created again from scratch (maybe because of a system crash) that uidvalidity changes and the client knows that he can't depend on the now outdated uids. getUidNext is the uid the next new message will get.
getMsn translates Uid to message number

Currently repositories do not have a persistent place to remember this thing, but maybe we simply have to create an hash of the repository configuration so it changes only when the repository configuration is change. We probably don't need to make it to change in different circumstances.

uidValidity has to change when the last assigned uid is not known anymore. When you don't have an old value of uid you can increment you set uid=1 again and chang uidValidiry so everybody knows that has happened.


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