Norman Maurer wrote:

> > Maven generated web-sites have generally and historically been
> > hugely bloated.  Our entire site is 28MB, of which javadocs
> > are 19MB.

> Really i always feeled nice with maven site..

I was chatting with Brett Porter last night, who was saying that Maven 2 is
substantially better than Maven 1 in this regard.  If someone wants to show
what Maven 2 would do to/with our site, I'm certainly willing to look.

> > Two primary problems that Maven must resolve before I would
> > be willing to use it.

And Maven is apparently working on both of them.  This is not a JAMES
isolated issue, but one that has come up in various discussions around the

> > Automatic downloading and installation without verification
> > is wrong, dangerous and irresponsible.

> Does this any tool which download jars autmaticly ?

Yes, I would say that of any tool that downloads from a public repository.
We have said it regarding an Eclipse repository, too.

> > Obviously, we already have some separation, e.g.,
> > src/java/.../{component} for major component areas.
> >  We could generate separate jars for each.
> That is what we should do.. Many jars generation will it be
> easier for people which only depend on a single compenent of us.

True, although it makes things more difficult for us.  Personally, I'm not
at all prepared to freeze interfaces between our "internal" components,
and/or declare them ready for standalone use.

In any event, we can look at it if someone wants to add m2 support.  And I
will look at using <subant> to see what we can do.  From what JvZ was saying
in some e-mail yesterday, the primary difference is that M2 is patterned,
and Ant is not.

        --- Noel

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