On Jul 14, 2006, at 4:28 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:
After meeting Mauro in London we got chatting and eventually started talking about containers, which lead to talking about Loom/ Phoenix and Plexus. One thing lead to another and I asked if we could possibly merge the contain and component code. A little email exchange ensued and Peter Donald, Peter Royal, Mauro, Paul agreed to the merger. Johan is away but I am going to assume he would be fine with it. The promise is to keep things working for existing Loom/Phoenix users, other then that we benefit by getting some excellent code. The developers of Loom/Phoenix don't have a lot of time so there might not be much input there but there is a vast store of good code and awesome components.

Technically how the merger will proceed I will work on but I wanted to now ask the rest of the Plexus developers what they think about the merger of the code. I think this will be awesome personally.

cc'ing the james-dev list, as I'm sure they'll be interested in this news as users of Phoenix.


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