+1 (but It should not be a default, the current behaviour is like the RFC 
says, and our default should mirror that)

On Friday 14 July 2006 16:14, Stefano Bagnara wrote:
> I'm sorry for another vote today, but I found the time only today to
> collect enough informations to proceed.
> The vote is to apply the patch attached to
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JAMES-358
> (Ok, i will fix tabs to spaces if this get a +1)
> Vincenzo, Bernd, Norman and I already agreed we should apply it, but
> Noel expressed in a comment "I disagree with this patch..." and maybe
> even Danny had something to say.
> So I decided for a vote because this is there from too much time.
> The patch introduce a new *optional* value for the dnsserver that make
> it to only return a single IP for each MX server (even if it is
> multihomed) when resolving mail servers for a domain.
> Without this patch I was unable to send 100000 mails per day (or similar
> volumes).
> As a reference about previous discussions you can read:
> 1) JIRA Comments: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JAMES-358
> 2) Thread: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 3) Thread: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Stefano
> PS: I even think this should be the default, but this vote is not to
> make it the default, only to add it as an option.
> PS2: If you have better ideas for the configuration option name
> "<singleIPperMX>" is not so good, so any better idea is welcome!
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