On 13/07/06, Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A. Deprecate phoenix
A1. Replace it with Plexus (http://plexus.codehaus.org/)
A2. Replace it with another Avalon compliant container (name it)
A3. Replace it with Felix (http://incubator.apache.org/felix/)
+1 (eat your own dog food)

B. Remove avalon
B1. Remove it from "API Components"
B2. Remove it from both API Components and Other James Components
B3. Remove it from all the codes and keep wrapper for Top Level
Components to be adapted to the container (Avalon or other).

C. Remove Cornerstone
C1. Remove cornerstone dependencies in favor of Jakarta commons
libraries where available
C2. Use MINA to replace sockets/connection dependencies
C3. Import code from not replaceable libraries to James codebase
(refactoring it to remove Avalon and anything else needed)

Now I expect that many will have replied +X to A3 or at least to one of
the B*, so here are further votes related to this scenario.

D. Lifecycle and dependency management
D1. Use JNDI everywhere (ala J2EE)
D2. Keep Avalon interfaces but write our own mini container for non Top
Level Components.
D3. Introduce new interfaces to replace the one from Avalon and create
our own container (that may delegate to the real container we use) to
manage lifecycle and dependencies. (see also "Central class for service
injection" topic by Bernd)

E. Specific API Components issues:
E1. Use JNDI to lookup datasources
E2. Use JNDI to lookup users/mail repositories, the store and any other
James component.
E3. Add datasource, repositories, store and any other used service to
the MailetContext API (this also mean adding the interfaces for this
objects to the Mailet APIs)
E4. Use Dependency Injection (setter based, constructor based, enabling
interfaces, service locator injection) to automatically satisfy
components dependencies.
E5. Keep the ServiceManager as a property stored in the MailetContext.

If you voted +X to something DI related please also vote this:

G. Dependency Injection
G1. Use CDI (constructor base DI)
G2. Use Setters
G3. Use Setters with Enabling Interfaces
G4. Keep single setter for ServiceLocator (ala Avalon)
G5. Use reflection and convention over configurations for the above DI

Furthermore these technologies could be used to sole one or more aspects
of the above points, please give your opinions.
H1. Use Spring
H2. Use XBean
H3. Use OSGi Declarative Services


PS: I'm willing to track this thread and produce an (i hope unbiased)
overview of the result.

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